Aery, done crying for the moment, (crying really hurts in null-gravity, after all!) pushes off the bed and goes to check on her biospheres. Havoc is being wreaked on them, as in the Forest biome the contents of the lake has floated up and treed the birds, and the deer and fish are trying to swim in the air. The aquatic globe is okay, but the fish are bouncing around all over the place. For whatever reason, the globes terribly amuse her, how disordered they all are. Kiki, after realizing there are no more flying teardrops, comes zooming in chattering at Aery in a mixture of Common and Lilliputese. "You know, you can't take everything he says personally, or you're going to be in here bawling your eyes out more often than actually out there. Are you going to make observations on your creatures now, or are you going to keep skulking?" Aery giggles. "Thanks, Kiki. Oh, that reminds me. We should rig up a place for you to sleep." "Consider it done." Antikythera flies into the tiny gap underneath Aery's cot. Aery keeps it mostly full of boxes of stuff, but there is a small opening that could serve as a little bunk for Kiki. "I lined it with scraps of cloth from when you had to take in Charlie's clothing the last time. And from when you had to take in your own shirts." Aery sighed and started typing observations into her holopad. While she was doing it, she might as well digitize her data from the last week, and get rid of all the papers that were floating around on clipboards.