[u][b]Cecelia[/b][/u] Nicknames/Aliases: The Shadow (Cecelia's contact Alias she earned) Gender: F Birthday: February 29 Age: 22 Class: Thief Occupation: Anything you pay her to do, as long as it doesn't involve participating in a party or talking to too many people. Species: Human with elf blood (grandmother on her mother's side is elven) Appearance: [hider=Cecelia] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-B0L9FrUWc9M/T0Kg5yY-USI/AAAAAAAAAmA/BlGu9YYphQ0/s1600/001.jpg[/img] [/hider] Clothing Style: [hider=These Clothes] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/ec1d754784e9afe94210a5c92adde22c/tumblr_mml32aNP8i1rdy3s5o1_r1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Cecelia wants to make frineds, but can't seem to talk normally to people until she has some alcohol in her. She prefers solitude, so she will sit in the corner until the booze takes over and makes her talk to lots of people, eventually leading men on and it's more likely for them to cry in the bedroom than have any sexual activities. Hometown: Bamburgh - A rural city, for the most part, with an agricultural economy. People buying and selling crops, livestock, and daughters for marriage (because a wedding dowry was basically free stuff in exchange for getting rid of a mouth to feed). The "downtown" area was almost a city in itself, with actual money being exchanged for goods and services. Two of the three little pigs could have built the non-downtown part of Bamburgh, while the third little pig hired a contractor for downtown building and maintenance. Downtown was still very rural, with any gangs that were formed wearing straw hats and/or overalls. There was an orphanage, but it got shut down due to lack of funding. The building was then turned into an apartment complex, so it could make money for the town. Likes: -Moonlit nights -Shiny things -The adrenaline that comes with barely being able to sneak past someone Dislikes: -Sunlit days -Having to kill someone (happens, but not by her choice) -Parties/crowds Past/History: Cecelia was an orphan, having to fend for herself since age 3 with the other orphans. Around age 7, Cecelia had gotten separated from the other orphans, having nobody else to talk to. Her few possessions became her only frineds, and the only things she soberly talked to. She started stealing things for others about age 9, when an old man asked her to buy him a watch he said he saw in his neighbor's house, but couldn't find anywhere else. He was offering about half the retail value of the watch, and she had no money, so she stole it and traded it for money. She later sold the information to the neighbor about the old man stealing the watch. Since then, any theft, switcheroo, or nonpersonal intimidation went through Cecelia, giving her the name "The Shadow". If she couldn't do it, she knew who could and gave information on who could without charging the client. She stayed in a shack on the edge of a major city, getting notes slipped under her door whenever someone needed her help. She's had to kill a few guards during some heists-gone-wrong, but she always hated having to when it happened. She would kill them with a single killing blow from behind, and leave the bodies with a flower, laid out as they would be in a casket. Her business got as much infamy as it did fame, soon forcing her to move after a threatening letter came to her door. Now Cecelia has an expansive network of agents that she occassionally contacts to give or receive missions, doing odd jobs to keep her cash flow from drying up. Over the years, her abilities of the night and dark have tapped into something in her elven blood, allowing her to distract guards with illusionary tactics, like making a sound appear to happen behind the guard, a shadowy figure that looks like a person to move to a location, or even create an area of complete darkness. Cecelia rarely uses these tactics unless she really has to, but enjoys toying with them in the day time, just because they're free entertainment. ------------------------------------ [u][b]Brennen Garron[/b][/u] Nicknames/Aliases: Cyclosa (contact alias he gave himself), Prof. Garron (teacher's name) Gender: M Birthday: January 3 Age:28 Class: Tactitian Occupation: Teacher in a battle tactics class at day, coaches anyone who pays to take strategic advice on a battle. Species: Human Appearance: [hider=Brennen] [img]http://otakuswonderland.weebly.com/uploads/1/9/1/0/19105971/2444214_orig.jpg[/img] [/hider] Clothing Style: [url]http://s1189.photobucket.com/user/MrFlyingAmoeba/media/Men/Fantasy/Red_Mage_by_ExMile.jpg.html[/url] Personality: Brennen is sarcastic, intelligent (some call him smug and arrogant), and loves to battle wits just as much as with steel and magic. If he's against a single enemy, he draws the battle out, usually coming out of the battle with a bruise and/or scratch. He tries to be honorable against opponents, and enjoys when it takes longer than 10 seconds to figure out how to take down an opponent. He loves a well-matched fight. Hometown: Warrington - Large town with a school-based economy. There were many schools, each teaching skill sets unique to each one. Each school had tuition and whatnot, but it was more like renting a place at the school. You pay a moderate fee monthly, get a room and learn. There were plenty of places to work in town as well, but not many houses near the town's geographical center. Any houses in the town's "city limits" are sectioned, one-story flats strung about the outskirts of it, and were mostly owned by professors and/or students who wished to live outside of campus (whether by lack of rooms or choice). Likes: -outsmarting anyone he meets -killing people with one coutnter-attack -making fun of people -being the underdog in a fight -an opponent who makes him think hard about his strategy Dislikes: -Being outsmarted (in wits or battle) -Someone taking the fun out of the fight (surrender, too quick a battle against a "fun" opponent) Past/History: Brennen was always fascinated by the coreography fighting seems to make. Like two well-matched fencers in a fight to the death, not in an indoors fighting... line, will dip, dodge, spin, slash, block, push, punch, counter, flip, and stab at each other for anywhere between five and ten minutes. In the school his parents made him go to learn fighting, he took one of each of the classes he was interested in: swordfighting and Black Magic 101. He aced every battle tactics class and got average grades in swordfighting and magic classes, because fundamental techniques were 1/4 of the grade, and they weren't practical skills. After "graduating", Brennen went on to anywhere that had a means of fighting and practiced his tactics classes and sometimes used the practical skills he learned from swordfighting class and magic classes in duels. After making substantial amounts of money and finally getting bored, because "I've fought everyone here and could now take them out in less than a minute. Why would I want to fight them again?" he moved on to teach battle tactics. His teaching method was all in practicality, stuff you can take outside the classroom and actually use. If, at any point, a student challenged Brennen to a duel and won, they passed the class. Otherwise, they had a paper to write on defeating a scenario Brennen came up with (different scenario for each student), and if they had a viable plan that could work, they passed. When teaching tactics classes wasn't enough, he went out for hire. Anyone who payed would get Brennen's advice. A flat fee for any limited-fighting battles (fencing/tae quon do tourneys), and an hourly fee for true tactics (1v1 duel, clan fights, etc.), with an increase in fee if they asked Brennen to join the fight or fight for them. Now, Brennen is just searching for an opponent who takes at least one full hour before a winner is decided, without him drawing out the fight by healing said opponent with potions and rest time. Fighting style: Katana two-handed, but has two small straight sword on his back that he uses when strategy is best for either small blows and some minor magic, or the number of hits is more important in the battle than how strong each attack is.