[@71342][@Nightmare Bunny][@Apollosarcher] ... Heh. Thanks for the offers. Currently I do not believe I require help, but should you guys split up and I feel busy I may ask someone on the opposite team if they can command the enemies on the other. That way, both battles could go without me needing to type the enemy reactions on both sides, and it could go twice as fast. That may go as far as moving things on the map as well, I just need to give you the files and a link to the online image editor I'm using and you'd be set, and depending on how busy I am maybe even prepare the map. Roleplaying the NPCs is something I intend to do mostly myself, but eh. ... And if I'm extraordinarily busy some time I may ask someone to do that even when there's only one map, but I'm not that desperate yet. I'm just mentioning possibilities. Haha.