[@BranchofSin] [center][img]http://www.dreamwidth.org/userpic/1879216/1405512[/img][/center] A sudden flurry of noise and commotion up ahead, paired with several arguing voices and yells, alerted Gilbert to the fact that there was a massive, troublesome situation occurring in this part of the carnival. It was the type of situation he wanted to avoid. At Issei's offer, he looked over at the younger male and started to speak again. [color=gold]"There's something going on up ahead, probably."[/color] He stated. His voice held a mildly put-off undertone. It didn't seem that he was looking forward to heading towards all the commotion. [color=gold]"You might want to avoid it, too."[/color] He told Issei, as he heard Emelia's stern, loud voice overcome the rest of the squabbling people's. [@Meiya] [center][img]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/PopcornFish/Icons/vincent03.png[/img][/center] Vincent continued down the beach, before he reached another set of concrete steps. Even if the other figure had retreated at the sight of him, Vincent really wasn't that concerned about socializing at the moment. He traveled away from the beach, and could see the festival lights in the distance. He managed a small smile, eyes narrowing, before he found himself traveling up a nearby hill. He spotted a smaller, and perhaps nimbler figure in the distance, and a pair of red eyes gleaming in the moonlight.