[color=red][h3]Luk Rivers[/h3][/color] "And no one hears anything about this, ya hear?" He drops the knife away from the poor man's throat and shoves him away from him. "No get outta here, before I change my mind for letting you live." The man, a former loan shark who owned Luk money, scrambles away, lucky to not be lying in a pit somewhere. Luk rolls his eyes and growls as he notices some drops of blood on his knife. He wipes it off on his pants and proceeds to exit the alleyway, placing a kinder smile on his face that the menacing straight line that it had been before. He nods to the people in the streets before he remembers the announcement from yesterday evening. He runs his thumb along the edge of his knife blade, leaning up against the nearest wall with a smirk. Monster hunting. That seems more than interesting, but the two thousand gold coins was nothing compared to what he made when he was given a job from... higher up to eradicate their opponents. He smiles and lurches off the wall, sliding his knife into his arm sheath. Still, it would be nice to have the extra cash. He heads down to the city square and waits for further instructions. [color=forestgreen][h3]Robyn Capot[/h3][/color] "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" She leaps from tree to tree, the growling underlings that look like a mix between a crocodile and a wolf sprinting below her. She grabs a hold of yet another branch higher up and swings herself hard enough to where she can draw her bow, notch an arrow in it, and shoot one of the pests directly in the head. It lets out a yelp like a dog and falls the group and she grabs the next branch that is ahead of her, gripping her bow in her opposite hand. She sighs as she looks down at the fallen arrow embedded in the beast's skull. Great. She has a very limited number of arrows. The wolf-crocodile things begin to claw at the base of the tree that she is hanging onto and she immediately swings herself to gain more momentum again. She leaps from tree to tree again, making big leaps so she can shoot multiple arrows into the heads of those pests underneath her. There had to be at least twenty coming after her, a whole pack of them. Realizing that running and wasting arrows was futile, she pauses in the tree and looks back down at them as they begin to claw at the tree once more. She begins to count how many there are in her head. [i]One...two...four...seven...eleven...Eleven?[/i] She smiles. Well that should be easy enough. And then she could get her arrows back. She drops from the tree, drawing her knives. She lands on top of two of the animals, crushing their skulls into the ground, before slicing at the throats of two more. That's four down already. She turns just in time to have one of the animals leap at her. She holds her bow out in front of her. Its chest crashes into her bow and forces her to the ground, snapping at her face with its crocodile like jaws. She yells in exhaustion and uses all of her strength to shove the pest back off of her. Moving quickly, she grabs her last six arrows and fired them one after another, taking down six of the last seven. The final crocowolf, as she had begun to call them in her mind, whimpers and immediately flees from the bloodied scene. She signs and draws back her black leather hood, smearing some of the blood from the crocowolves on her face. She grimaces, but hastens quickly to pick up her fallen twenty arrows. As she picks them up, she thinks to herself [i]I really need to make more of these[/i]. She picks up the final out of the skull from the first crocowolf she shot and she looks around. She needs to get back to her home before more of them came. She quickly climbs a tree and heads for her home: the City in the Sky.