[img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/332/d/2/triceratops_by_himmapaan-d6vxstz.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arthur [b]Species:[/b] Triceratops horridus [b]Native[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Size:[/b] Length: 25'(7.5 meters) Height: 10'(3 meters) Weight: 7 tons [b]Guild:[/b] The Armored Knights, High Rank [b]Weapons/Armor:[/b] His main weapons are his frill and horns. When in battle, he is clad in iron armor that consists of plates for each leg(to protect the flanks), and a triple back plate. [b]Magic:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Arthur is valiant, and can't tolerate even the slightest hint of someone indulging in bringing pain to others, even if they were his worst enemies. Conflict terrifies him - he will never provoke it unless he is urged to and prefers keeping on good terms with almost anyone he knows. He is well-behaved, calm, patient, and extremely trustworthy - once he makes a promise, it is very likely that he'll keep it. He can be relatively confident in familiar situations, but will slightly panic if placed in a new one. He blames himself if mistakes are made, even if he knows it's someone else's fault. He is highly altruistic and gladly sacrifices precious time to help his loved ones, and when he falls in love, you will be showered by selfless generosity, compassion and warmth. Though he is an introvert and enjoys spending time alone, he is relaxed and much nicer and more social than Pericles. He enjoys spending time with friends, whom he is very loyal to. [b]History:[/b] Arthur was born in a noble family of Triceratops in the Armored Knights guild, where he spent all of his life. Being high-ranked, he attended the military academy at a relatively young age and learned plenty of things. He is currently pursuing the S-Rank title, but that requires more training, and more effort, which Arthur is currently investing into his education.