[center][h1][i][u][color=cyan]~Erika Furudo~[/color][/u][/i][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/6b7b9ba76f8a58a90b2339c328475344/tumblr_inline_n6tzkf9EjI1ql8ac4.png[/img] [color=cyan]"Good! See, wasn't that hard?"[/color] the detective clapped her hands together with delight, and that was all she needed to hear. Well, for now, she had the blue chains disappear, not like she needed them around the transformed robot anymore, especially when it was a mere cassette-object. Turns out most were interested in her innate ability of literally speaking colored words. [color=cyan]"That is the power of the[/color] [color=blue][b][u]Blue Truth[/u][/b][/color][color=cyan], and it is quite useful when it comes to my investigations,"[/color] she boasted about how she could use this ability, and that the others seemingly couldn't. So it made perfect sense that the detective could use it only... Then someone questioned her investigation methods... How dare he... [color=cyan]"Tell me, would you like a suspicious person to lie to you instead? Think about that,"[/color] Erika sighed, seeing that Kigro wasn't really up to par with her prodigal excellence. Besides, she was just about done here, about to walk away until the actual owner and manager of the park had finally arrived. Oh goodie! [img]http://media.tumblr.com/eb1ed2454b86b51d87835087fb1ebc9a/tumblr_inline_n6tzu3k1Vw1ql8ac4.png[/img] [color=cyan]"Leave the explanation to me, the detective!"[/color] Erika smiled, giving a slight nod to Emelia before reciting,[color=cyan]"From what I've gathered,[/color][color=red] [b][u]an incident regarding one of the participants for the strongman attraction had managed to strike hard enough that the puck of the attraction had completely went through the bell, and into the sky. Only to fall onto the leg of an unfortunate bystander, and to my knowledge, that bystander is only injured. This robot, which had changed into the form of a cassette-object here, had said this to me: [i]'Yeah I broke the stupid machine, yeah it probably hurt some jerk, but I don't care! Not my problem!'[/i] Meaning, we have ourselves the cause of the incident, accident or not.[/u][/b][/color][color=cyan]"[/color] With that said with the 'red', those words appeared in the air in red, it was her strange ability once again. At least this time, the words simply disappeared, meaning that it was just there to show off. [color=cyan]"...simply by the existence of this incident, this level of reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika. What do you think, everyone?"[/color] the detective spoke with a gentle smile on her face, doing a slight curtsy as if she were done presenting something important. [@Mtntopview][@nerminator][@MagusDream][@GreatSalmon][@LaXnyd] [/center]