[b]Name:[/b] Len Sclera [b]Age:[/b]27 [hider=Len] [img]http://www.larping.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/jay_riffs_3_by_nuclearsnailstudios-d70o038.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b] Personality: [/b] *loyal *puts family first *Always keeps his promises *Stays calm under pressure *Resourceful *Impulsive *Smart ass *Loves a good fight (which can sometimes lead to trouble) *Can sometimes be somewhat paranoid and doesn't trust easily *Loves to smoke and drink (and occasionally do other drugs, mostly hallucinogenic) *Can sometimes be childish [b]Biography:[/b] "We just head up them hills over yonder. And ifn' one of them goddamn earthworms try to eat us...well hell, we had a good run, ain't that right Iris?" Len Sclera never knew the old world. There's probably not many left alive that do. He grew up in the time of the Langue, of horror beyond imagining. An era of giant underground creatures that rise up at night to feed--and humans are it's favorite food. Sclera was just a child when the colony he was with was slaughtered. He watched as his best friend, Jacob Ryan, was swallowed hole. Of course, he doesn't remember much because he was just 2 years old. Still, he knows he had a good friend, and he knows he lost him. It was during that time his mother took in a young infant. It was chaos, people screaming, people dying. And his mother, through it all, kept her head and saved a child. That child was Iris, and Len would come to look at her like a sister. In fact, it wouldn't be too long, and she'd be all he had left. Growing up in this new world, only his mother and newfound sister, would prove to be harsh. As Len got older, he grew more and more protective of both Mom and Iris. He grew up tough, haggard, willing to knock the crap out of anyone who even gave the women in his life a sideways glance. There was more than once he kept bandits away with a simple broken jaw or kick to the kneecap. Of course, it wasn't too long before they met another group. And then Len would learn to be civil. Or as civil as he could be, anyway. Being the "Man" of the house at a young age, Len learned to fight real fast. In fact, he came to enjoy it. Of course, he brought home his fair share of bloody noses, but in his case the adage "you should've seen the other guy" always rang true. Iris was always there, however, to keep him from getting into too much trouble. She was known to be reliable around camp, and she was always able to use her good reputation to keep Len from getting banished from the group on the occasion he took a fight -slightly- too far. As protective as he was of Iris, they took care of each other. Even if neither one wanted to admit to how much they relied on the other. When his mother finally died, along with the rest of the group their group, Len was once again alone, save for Iris. He would never admit to it, but the loss of his home, and all those he held close, hit him hard. He'd had friends, damn good ones too. And this time, he was well old enough to have those haunting memories forever. Biting back the feelings, bottling them up somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew what he had to do. Whispers and rumors had long been in the air of some sort of possible weapon to use against the Langue. Len couldn't lose Iristo these things. If there was a chance to exterminate the bastards, he wanted to see it done. And he wanted to make sure Iris was safe. Virginia. That was a good starting point. Rumors pointed in that direction, and it was there he would follow. To his death? Maybe, but if it was his turn to die, long as he kept Iris safe, it was worth it to him. [b]Relationships: [/b] [u]Iris Barrett[/u] The girl that he grew up with. Len's best friend, she's like family to him. He trusts her implicitly, and is willing to do *anything* for her--even if that means jumping into the gaping maw of a langue and ripping it's tongue out. [u] Michael Sanders[/u] [i](deceased)[/i] Used to be a good friend of Len's, when his mother found the camp of people after rescuing Iris. They met not long after joining the community, an became fast friends. On the rare occasion that Len couldn't be found with Iris, he was likely with Michael. And when he *was* with Iris, there was a good chance Michael was somewhere nearby as well. When the Langue invaded camp, Michael pushed Len out of the way as the creature's tongue lashed out--it wrapped around him, pulling him into it's crushing jaws. Michael didn't stand a chance, but he did save Len's life--and that's something he will never forget.