[color=fb4f4f][u][b][center][h3]Cecelia[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Cecelia awoke to some commotion at the town square. She had crashed at another tavern in town with some guy curled up in the fetal position on the other side of the bed. "Dammit. Not again," she said with a sigh. "I gotta stop drinking to the point of being social." After leaving him some money to buy some ale, she changes into her usual attire and leaves to see what's up. She sees a poster about some baddies around Maplewood. "Hm... I'm not much of a killer, but there's gotta be some cool stuff. Plus, I could just distract enemies and stab a few in weaker points on them. And that's a lotta gold they're offering. I could do it. Hey, Charlie," Cecelia calls over to the barkeep who is in her network of informants "would it be possible to get to Maplewood by nine?" The Barkeep looks at the time and replies with "Eh, I know a guy who can help you make it, if-" Cecelia joins Charlie's sentence with a mocking tone "if I got the coin." Talking normally again, she continues, telling him "I'm good for it, just get him here asap." Charlie agrees, takes the coin, and goes to the back room to contact his contact. Once the contact has arrived, Cecelia hops in and they travel, not speaking a word other than greeting and departure formalities. [i]This is gonna be a weird day, and it's not even nine o'clock yet[/i] Cecelia thinks as she arrives at the palace.[/color] [color=14cedb][u][b][center][h3]Brennen Garron[/h3][/center][/b][/u] "No no no. If he charges at you, then put your shield UP and angle it OUT. Not forward. You want the weapon to slide off, so he is forced to get closer to you by law of momentum. Then, boom, stab, advantage obtained." Brennen continues his private lessons. This keeps frustrating him. It's always wrong, there's always something to improve upon. To change. To make better. This is why he hates teaching these uneducated, nontactical, juvenile people. Once he finishes up with the kid, he overhears the kid's parent talking about monsters in Maplewood. [i]Finally, something interesting. I wouldn't even care if I got paid. I just wanna be able to use MY weapons,[/i] Brennen thinks, as he comes across a flier outside his "dojo". He takes it and looks at the horizon to the neighboring town of Maplewood, with Brindle on the other side of Maplewood, he may as well go to the palace. He places a "closed until further notice" on the front of his house where he conducts his lessons and heads off to Maplewood with a friend's horse. [i]It's not stealing if I leave an IOU,[/i] Brennen tells himself as he arrives with a stream of others who seem to all be answering to the flier. While he's bored and waiting, he thought of 12 ways to rob the nearest 3 people to him, make a large sum of money (by creating an "entrance fee" for those coming into the palace to be placed in a group, and 72 different ways to kill one nearby entrant. [i]Well... I don't wanna piss off the palace before I get there, so maybe I shouldn't kill. Or steal. I just wanna fight someone, but I don't have time. I'll barely make it by 9 at this rate, so I don't have time to pick a fight... Damn.[/i] Brennen arrives at the palace, just barely making it before nine. [/color]