[b]Name: [/b]Caine [b]Appearance (I'll draw her later . . . probably?):[/b] An elfin looking girl with wide, dark-green eyes and brown hair that reaches a bit past the shoulders, where it's tied into a ponytail. Short for her apparent age, she stands at 4'9'' however, there are hints of muscles and callus all over her body, which is proof of her steady development. Speaking of development, for a girl her body is . . . 'developed' to say the least. She usually hides her chest size with bindings and wears baggy clothing to hide everything else. Depending on the intelligence of who she is interacting with, they may or may not mistake for a feminine boy. [b]Apparent Age:[/b] 15-17 (Precise age is 16) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nation:[/b] Born in Frelia, however she is native and loyal to Grado. [b]Class:[/b] Recruit [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] E [b]Level:[/b] 4 [b]Background:[/b] Born to an upper middle-class merchant family in Grado, Caine very much adored the noble knights and cavaliers that served under her military. It was her childhood dream to be able to join their ranks and help the country against the ever growing threats from outside. One problem, however, was that she was too young and more importantly, she lived in Frelia. She planned to move out and apply for the Grado military when she was old enough, however, and once her parents agreed, she eventually did go on to apply. However in the middle of her training period, Jehenna attacked. She, along with many other recruits, were scattered across the country. Much to her everlasting grief hew pony died as well. Her current goals involve finding a way to help her country in the time of crisis and getting strong enough to do so. [b]Plot-Susceptive:[/b] [i]Oh very much yes.[/i] [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] [list][*] Iron Lance x1 [*] Vulinary x3 [*] Speedwing x1[/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Headstrong, aggressive, determined, stubborn, energetic - Caine is a very straightforward girl. She charges straight into whatever problem she sees while rarely thinking about the consequences. She is generally a nice person and loves talking and hanging around other people, despite her quick temper. Caine doesn't skirt around issues that she sees needs addressing and will immediately point it out, disregarding propriety and manners. She can take criticism surprisingly well. Very loyal to what she believes in. [b]Ability Assessment:[/b] Caine's Speed, and Strength growth are phenomenal. She focuses on quick but damaging strikes, aiming to end things in one hit - and if that doesn't work, she'll hit them again, except [i]harder[/i]. In contrast however, she doesn't focus too much on defense and constitution, so they're considerably low stats. Her skill is fairly normal for her class, however her luck is a bit above average. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: [/b] Caine, when she thinks no one is looking, stone sculpts. Since she rarely has time to make large figures, she simply picks up small-medium sized stones and chisels them. Her subjects are usually reptiles, which she personally finds cute. Once upon a time, Caine was widely considered to be a very attractive girl when she was young, and it was expected she would only grow more-so once she grew up. Years of non-stop fighting and training however, have since covered up that beauty with grime, sweat, and general unkemptness, so she's a lot less attractive to look at now. Should she bother to clean up however, people will be very surprised to find out that she is no less beautiful than she was expected to be. Completely obsessed with growing stronger. Even before her recruitment period, she had a habit of wanting to get stronger than she did before, resulting in some nasty accidents.