[color=f7941d][u][center][h1]The Elder Scrolls: The Collector Chronicles[/h1][/center] [/u][/color] [CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/vXUHU2H.png[/img] [I]The Collector pays handsomely for would-be-heroes and skilled adventurers to scour the Empire in search of items he has an interest in.[/I][/CENTER] [color=f7941d][h2]TL;DR Summary[/h2][/color] [list] [*]Set in Skyrim, 4E 201 19th of Last Seed. [*]Players take on the role of a group of agents hired on behalf a mysterious Imperial benefactor, known as The Collector. [*]It falls to the agents to trek across Skyrim, looking for one item after another, whilst dealing with the backdrop of the Civil War and Alduin's return. [*]The GM takes on the role of the living and breathing world in which the agents find themselves in. The GM commands all NPCs, has limited control over player characters, and will drive them towards the story's conclusion. [*]AFK characters, and characters who seem to think themselves Gods, will meet unfortunate ends. [/list] [color=f7941d][h2]Riches For A Bottle of Mead[/h2][/color] [indent][I]Who is The Collector? No one knows. No one cares. With the gold he's offering, why should they? Communicating through a highly sophisticated network of agents, The Collector tracks down valuable individuals who he deems vital assets when it comes to the acquisition of something he wants. The items he seeks for his collection vary, from the obscure to the legendary, but regardless, his requests are seldom turned down. You'd be surprised how far someone will go into an ancient, rot-infested tomb to pull out the lifeless heart of a long-dead necromancer when they're offered ten times their weight in gold. You'd be even more surprised, to think that these individuals are few and far between. Gold talks in many languages, but it is not always the greedy ear that picks up The Collector's haunting call. Some seek glory, tracking down vile evil, and The Collector is just the man to point them in the right direction - usually. Others just love the thrill of adventure, and considering that their benefactor pays a quarter of the promised gold up front, then the trip has already paid for itself! It's just a matter of surviving it, really. But one would be foolish to think of taking the required items for themselves, or for running off with the forward payment. The Dark Brotherhood has often demonstrated in the past that they have close ties with The Collector, and dozens of contract-breakers have met a grizzly end trying to evade him. For once you sign a contract with The Collector, you are bound to it until completion - to whatever end. Which is why you're here in the south of Skyrim, amidst a civil war no doubt. Your job? The Collector seeks a Bottle of Mead with Juniper Berry. Why he wouldn't just send for it, you don't know, but by the Nine! If he's serious about paying 60,000 Septims, then you're prepared to walk to the end of the Earth for it. And everyone knows that The Collector never backs down from an agreed contract. There was even a hint of follow-up jobs, with the payment being doubled for each one! Your destination is the Imperial Fort-Town of Helgen, nestled on the borderlands between Cyrodil and Skyrim. There should be a heavy Imperial presence around the area, and so Stormcloak raiding parties shouldn't be an issue. Just a simple in and out. What could possibly go wrong? [/I][/indent] [color=f7941d][h2]RP Outline[/h2][/color] [indent]You form a band of The Collector's agents, making for Helgen to obtain a single bottle of Mead with Juniper Berries. However, as you may be aware by the RP's start date, things will probably not go according to plan. Never the less, to Helgen! The RP will start with the agents coming up to Helgen, and seeing the rising smoke of Alduin's attack. The GM will guide the characters through the story, commanding the NPCs they shall encounter, and also random events that will spring up to test them. Players will have complete control within the confines of their own posts, and are free to attack and interact with everything and anything they please. The GM however, holds the power over their lives. Should the characters commit acts of folly, such as launching themselves onto the back of a Dragon, then the GM may describe how they were then flung 500ft to their death. Another example, would be charging headlong into some cave without a thought for caution - the GM may describe your character just inadvertently disturbed a family of bears. However, he may also have mercy on them. The GM will also deal with AFK characters. Haven't seen Molly for a while? Where is she? Oh crap! That pack of wolves just ran off with her. Oh dear... For an example of how this all works, see my other RP, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77954-no-hope/ic#post-2476966]No Hope[/url]. It's all pretty simple and non-scary. [/indent] So, who wants to go and grab a few things for a mysterious benefactor?