[centre] [h3][color=fdc68a]~Graham Turner~[/color][/h3] [color=f7976a]"STOP RIGHT THERE! I'm going to have to ask anyone who is not in need of immediate medical attention, please stay on the tram. Someone was fighting here, and I intend to find the culprit. So please, calm yourself and take a seat on the nearest thing used for sitting, and I will start trying to figure out what exactly happened here, Bein?"[/color] Positively stunned, Graham didn’t dare move an inch. That thing had noticed him, had addressed him. It didn’t sound pleased. It...also didn’t look like a monster anymore. It was a woman? An attractive woman at that. Others had been talking with her, not even remotely the response he had expected. They were all...wait, they were older. And, they had called her Meredith. Miss Meredith. And she(it?) had spoken of threatening a teacher. No. Please no. This thing wasn’t actually a teacher...was it? This place wouldn’t be as cruel as to… Graham thought of the other abomination, previously a student, albeit a rather hungry one. An almost audible click when off in Graham’s head. His mouth started moving, forming the word “No” repeatedly, yet no sound came out. “Where...the hell are we? What the hell is going on?” Another new voice. Graham slowly moved his gaze to see the boy he had shaken awake now voicing his confusion. Poor kid. He picked a helluva time to open those eyes. Then again, it was his fault for waking him up. Oops. So Graham gave him the truth, slowly and gravely. [color=fdc68a]“Welcome to hell, buddy.”[/color] And what that, the strength in Graham’s legs gave out and he collapsed into the seat, eyes now locked firmed on the teacher-creature. He didn’t know what to even believe. He took some solace that there was a chance that he had imagined all of this. He could be locked up in a nice, cozy, squishy room, ranting and raving about hellish beasts turning into women and schools kidnapping people via train. Yeah...that didn’t sound too bad. [/centre]