Vance Meridian, a seasoned knight, was staying the evening at an inn and tavern, and looking over the piece of paper in front of him, detailing the trouble in Maplestead. The paper was illuminated by firelight from the candles and lanterns that lined the room, as well as a huge fireplace in the center. He was wearing his regular clothes, which was a relief from his heavy armor, though he still kept his sword sheathed at his side. He began mumbling to himself as he read aloud. "Quest" "Monsters" "Two thousand...!" After he read that, his eye widened, and his mind was made up. He barely had enough to stay the night at the inn that night, but after reading that, he knew that he had to start riding immediately if he were to make it on time. Standing up, he dropped a few coins on the table, all that he could spare, and walked out to the stables to ready his horse for travel. After securing the saddle, and hoisting up his sacked equipment, to the annoyance of the horse, he mounted and rode steadily through town and out the gate towards Maplestead. A few hours out of the city gates, heading to Maplestead, he encountered a few small, dark demons, five total. He got his bearings, and the position of the demons around him, closing his eyes, and placing his fist in front of his face. He whispered a few quick words. It wasn't a proper, or powerful incantation, but it was enough to summon a blast of light around him, which would severely burn them. He wasn't trying to kill them, just keep them out of his way as he rode through the night.