[CENTER][img]http://www.dealerknows.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Blank-Canvas.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [h2]TL;DR Summary:[/h2] [list] [*]Looking for no more than five people (Four Spots left.). [*]We will be designing a world together. [*]Looking for dedication, and good humor. [*]I plan to contribute, but your ideas count just as much as mine. [*]Roleplay at the end! [/list] [hider=So, what do we have here?] Let me lay out the goals I have in mind. I hope that through this process we create a world from the ground up, hopefully getting it to a point where we can have an rp in it. While doing this, I also hope to have a fun time going through the creative process and for us all to make some new friends. So, now that we have two important points laid out, here is how it will work. As mentioned earlier we will going through a voting process. Think of it as if we are a board of directors for our world. Each Saturday I will lay out the topic of the week. At first, these topics will be broad, but then will narrow down to be more specific. Then, throughout the week, we will discuss and vote. This does not mean conversation is discouraged, I hope we all get to talk about everything and anything. As we progress, I hope to eventually be able to strip away the system and turn it into an organic flow of ideas. The reason I have a system in place is to simplify the process of organizing and presenting ideas while we get to know each other, and to make it much less jarring if someone falls off the face of the Earth, or can possibly find another reason to stop participating. It will also makes it easier to sort between what is casual conversation and what is being presented as what they feel should be included.[/hider] Now that you have gone through that info, it is time for the TEST. I expect a [b]200[/b] page novel if you are to join this project. You probably should have started yesterday, so stop reading and go get to work. [hider=Now that we have weeded out the undesirables.] I do want an application, but this should not be something to turn you away. This is just a way for us to get to know each other. Here is the app*: Username: (Just for kicks, you can replace this with a nickname if you go by something else on the guild.) Age: (Put what you are comfortable with. Saying fifteen or just putting teen will do. If you feel uncomfortable with putting anything, that's fine too.) Favorite Book/Movie: (Let's get to know each other.) -- Still here? Good. I look forward to seeing a PM with an app in it! *Example below.[/hider] [hider=Example] Username: Joegreenbeen (You can call me Joe.) Age: 14 Favorite Book/Movie: A book series called [i]Pendragon: Journal of an Adventure through Time and Space.[/i] [/hider] Questions?