Here it is in it's entirety, if I need to find a picture or something or if anything is amiss just let me know. [hider=Alvin: Prince of Grado] [b]Name:[/b] Alvin [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall man standing at about 6'2, he has the build of a runner, lean and fit without particularly bulky muscles. His chestnut brown hair is messy and fails where it may, sometimes obscuring his eyes which are a piercing green. His unshaven face bears slight stubble, creases that come from smiling, and he has a small scar on his right cheek. [b]Apparent Age:[/b] Early twenties. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nation:[/b] Grado [b]Class:[/b] Lord [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Lance-C [b]Level:[/b] 6 [b]Background:[/b] Alvin grew up as the only son and heir to Emperor Rioga of Grado. His mother, Priscilla, died bringing him into the world, that fact has been a severe burden of guilt on the young man. As Alvin was growing up he always knew what he wanted to do, he'd look out the window and see Grado's feared Wyvern Riders practicing, flying about in the sky, free and having fun. Yes, Alvin knew he wanted to be a Wyvern Rider above all else. At the age of 12, shortly after the Wyvern's mating season, Alvin was permitted to pick one of the newborn Wyverns to be his companion. His Father urged him to choose carefully, as this was to be his companion for life. Alvin took those words to heart and began examining the young Wyverns. After spending the whole afternoon looking at them, none had interested him very much. They were all strong, or fast, or supremely intelligent, at least that's what the breeders told him. The sun was falling and the horizon was burning red when he finally found a small, unassuming Wyvern that had been hiding under it's mother's wing. By the look of it it was certainly the smallest Wyvern he had seen and when he picked it up it squealed like it had been stuck with a spear! The rest had squirmed sure, but none had even come close to having this much spirit. The breeder identified the Wyvern as female and certainly the runt, but that didn't matter to Alvin. He looked up at his father, eyes bright with the Wyvern squealing in his arms and said "I've got a good feeling about this one!" And so as soon as the Wyvern was big enough they started training together and the two have become inseparable ever since. Since age 8, Alvin has been spending his summers in Renais visiting Prince Marwood along with Princess Natalia of Frelia. The three children's parents decided on this arrangement so the three future rulers would be good friends and perhaps one of the boys would fancy Natalia? It hasn't worked out that way yet but the three are very good friends. Alvin tends to tease Marwood a good deal for his lack of political vision and his general near phobia of women. As a matter of fact, prior to Jehanna's invasion of Grado Alvin invited Prince Marwood to come to Grado for a visit, little did Alvin know that sinister things were about to take place. [b]Plot-Susceptive:[/b] Yes [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Steel Lance Vulnerary [b]Personality:[/b] Alvin is a bright, carefree, and gregarious person. He hates responsibility and the "Stuffy nobles" that dwell in the castle and would much rather be out enjoying the open skies with Medea. Alvin's number one motto is "Why use a sword when a silver-tongue is a lot cleaner?" He's a peace-loving man who'll try his best to talk himself out of any situation. He is the epitome of "Lordly courtesy" as he never forgets his manners, indeed he finds the best method to being diplomatic is courtesy and food, lots of food. He loves meeting new people and thoroughly enjoys the company of trusted friends. Those friends he makes out of anyone he takes a liking to, a friend that the prince is quite intent on keeping, despite his father's objections, is the servant girl Calico, the prince finds her to be an incredibly interesting young lady. [b]Ability Assessment:[/b] Alvin learned to fight under the tutelage of General Nero and shares his mostly balanced fighting style, though he has a weakness against magic and bow users and slightly favors skill over strength. Indeed every thrust of Alvin's lance is a precise strike at an enemy's weak point or unprotected vital spot. He's mastered fighting astride his midnight blue Wyvern, Medea. Indeed they are so in tuned to each other Alvin can direct her with his knees leaving both his hands free to fight. While Alvin is primarily a mounted combatant he isn't a slouch on foot, though he isn't as physically imposing as his father or other young men his age, he makes up for that in part by his weapon choice and in part by his fighting style. Alvin utilizes the spear's superior reach to deftly knock aside strikes and stay out of his enemies range. He uses swift footwork and some trickery to send his foes off balance. He excels at catching faster opponents and finding chinks in a heavier enemy's trusted armor. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] -Because of his fighting style requiring deft footwork Alvin is a very good dancer. -He has adopted Garric's fondness of Apples. -Enjoys fishing, the only thing he and his father ever really did together. -Isn't particularly good at cards and despite being a cunning individual he's a terrible gambler. -Enjoys and is very skilled at a variety of tactical boardgames. -Has a rivalry with the knight named Griswal, both were trained by General Nero and they often have bouts to determine who's the better combatant. [b]R-button Summarization:[/b] Prince of Grado. Gregarious and diplomatic, though a fine warrior in his own right. [/hider]