*Before the announcement* Adrial silently sat inside one of the more prestigious inns located in the golden city of Maplestead, a beautifully crafted yet small inn with amber crystals dangling from the ceiling, shining with an ephemeral light, helping to illuminate the inside of the inn. Adrial sat near the back, at a single wooden table and chair, his right leg gently rested over his left knee, minding his own business with a amber glass in hand, filled with fresh milk. A red leather book laid before him, opened half way as the cleric read the contents, enjoying his casual relaxation while a small smile plastered itself upon his face, this was his form of entertainment. Light entertainment from a bard playing a slow and relaxing tune close to his ear, a book he could dive into to gain wider knowledge from and a cold glass of milk to guzzle down at the same time. Surely nothing would break this moment of silent for him... Suddenly the loud obnoxious yelling of a male outside, reading aloud the paper about the job in a very over the top tone snapped him out of his momentary delight and satisfaction, causing the young cleric to cough and gag on the milk he was drinking, he splured milk over the table in unison with his coughs and over his books valuable pages. [b]"ATTENTION, people of the city of Maplestead! Great monsters and demons have started attacking our neighboring forests, as well as the city of Brindle! The royal palace is hosting a quest! But this quest requires more than a dozen people! Assist in wiping out the monsters, and receive brand new weapons as well as more than two-thousand gold pieces! All who come forward will be placed onto a team in order to work with others. Be present in the town square at exactly nine o'clock tomorrow, and come forward." [/b] Adrial recollected himself and stood up, but not before noticing the damage to his pages. An angry expression soon grew upon him, as he quickly snatched and snapped the book closed. Adrial gave a light hiss, storming out of the inn with his fists clenched, being just at the town square where many were flocking to scream and shout. While he walked, all Adrial could do was think to himself. > [b]"This ignorant, stupid little neanderthal... Shouting like a damn obnoxious fool..."[/b] < As soon as Adrial reached the town center, he couldn't help but grimace at the noise of all the fools around him, adjusting the glasses on his face, he glared ominously toward the royal palace, cracking his knuckles with nefarious intent. [b]"Okay... Which one of you worthless twits screamed that message at the top of their lungs? If I don't get an answer soon, I'm going to rearrange your bloodstream and feed your blood straight through your EYES!"[/b] A group of civilians slowly grew quiet as the noble grimaced even more ominously, spotting a person at the back of a group having a slight guilty expression on his face. The Cleric didn't waste any time approaching them as he gripped a boys neck and frowned, causing the boy to yelp painfully. [b]"So it was you was it? You slimy worthless little cockroach... I suppose you don't have the money to pay for a new copy of my notebook do you?! These pages are worth more than you and your family combined!"[/b] The boy whimpered and shook before Adrial sighed and threw him away, causing the boy to land on the cold ground. [b]"Be thankful i'm a Cleric... Otherwise I would have killed you..."[/b] Adrial put his hands into his long white leather coat pockets and walked off toward the royal palace, gripping a knife inside, as he was ready to kill the boy if he displeased him further, he silently let go of the knife in his pocket and walked on, wanting to just forget about the whole ordeal. > [b]"I suppose this job can pay for the damages... Lets hope this royal stooge is easy to manipulate."[/b] < He thought to himself.