Roland twisted the door knob quietly there was a normal click of the knob indicating that it was in fact not locked, but that didn't mean that it was clear. In the S.W.A.T world, and easy door is a perfect trap, especially in high risk scenario's. Cracking the door a little bit he shined the flashlight through, he saw nothing that was apparent or connected to the door. Pushing it open with his hand he kept his back on the wall, but it opened without a hitch. Roland slowly moved through the door and moved his gun left then right securing his corners, from site this was just a normal house, there were no traps, the only thing he saw was scattered pieces of furniture, some of it broken for whatever reason. Walking out fully he entered into what appeared to be the kitchen, it was pretty much in shambles, and unknown conflict, looting, he didn't know and at this point it didn't much matter to him. The only thing that mattered was keeping his eye's and ears open so that he didn't meet an untimely end. Making his way out of the kitchen he immediately entered into a spacious living room, shining the light around he looked down the immediate hallway to the left and then around the living room itself. Pointing his flashlight towards the front door he noticed what appeared to be a shotgun hooked up to a chair, the system was elaborate enough, a line was hooked up to the door, the line was then connected to the trigger so opening the door even half way would have spelled death, and if you kicked the door in like a would be looter might then they would be dead almost instantly. Roland shook his head appreciating his choice of not throwing caution to the wind, decidedly he left the shotgun hooked to the door as an extra precaution just in case some other lunatic might try to get in here and shoot him in the back. Roland went straight but slowly for the stairs that would lead to the upper bedroom of the house. Besides the shotgun at the door this house was pretty much empty of traps, in any case he would keep his eye's peeled. Roland slowly clicked off the flashlight on the 22 and put a foot on one of the stairs and tested it, there was a resounding creek of course. When he heard the yell from upstairs he immediately put his back against the wall and pointed his 22 at the top of the stairs. [b][i]"Did I get you? Or didn't I? Come on, come, it's okay! It's O-FUCKING-KAY! Show yourself, you little RAT!"[/i][/b] Roland heard the yell and then a rather cold cackle as a couple more shots echoed out, there was no doubt in his mind anymore, this bastard was shooting at innocent people because he could. Roland gritted his teeth for a second at the thought, the world is in hell, people are dieing everywhere, and this sick shit is killing living people, people who have probably done nothing to him. This had to end now, Roland put his foot on the stairs, keeping his body pressed up against the wall he side stepped up the stairs case, avoiding the center of the wooden steps. The edges of the stairs were more sturdy then the center so this would reduce creaking at least, but this dumb bastard didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything else then his shoot gallery. Roland let himself calm down a bit, a hothead was not what was needed right now, he needed to keep a clear mind or mistakes were inevitable. Roland made it to the top of the stairs easy enough, however he quickly saw an ill placed bear trap in the hallway, a last form of defense he supposed, would work on a shambler at best. Roland was like a mouse as he side stepped around the trap and got up against the wall, he was just in time to hear a car start up outside, and then several shots ranging out from the room that was only a mere five feet away. This was his chance, Roland went forward and positioned himself in the open door and pointed his 22 at the back of the mans head. The trigger was already half pulled back, he spoke in a rough deep voice towards the man at the window. [b]"Freeze! Do not make any sudden movements you bastard. I got this gun pointed at your head and I am a lethal shot. Now drop the rifle put your hands over your head. Do it now!"[/b] The man in front of him froze almost immediately, however he did not drop the rifle nor did he try to turn around, he just stay still his head kept facing towards the window as he spoke. From his voice he was definitively a younger man at least in his early twenties or so. [b][i]"Your one sneaky sonufabitch to get in here without me even knowing about it. Then again with that demanding tone you sound a hell of a lot like a policeman to me. Then again policeman are dumb and would have tried to bust down the front door to get in here, so I would wager your something else entirely."[/i][/b] [b]"It doesn't matter what I am, all that matters is you shooting at innocent people like its some sort of sick game. Drop the damn gun to the floor now, and put your hands on your head."[/b] [b][i]"Lets say for a minute that I did as you commanded, then what would happen? Would you cuff me? Cart me away to some prison somewhere? You see Mr.Policeman, this ain't your world anymore, people like you are obsolete, in other words your not needed anymore. This is my world now asshole! This is my town! An I will do as I please!"[/i][/b] The young man turned quickly with gun in hand, however Roland pulled the trigger on the 22 and struck the man straight in the chest as he turned around, the bullet pierced the center of his chest perfectly as he flew backwards, slamming the wall the rifle dropped to the floor as the man fell to the ground in a slump. Roland lowered the gun as he moved forward cautiously, coming up to the rifle he pushed it sideways with his foot away from the young man. The attack was quick after that, the man launched from the ground and came straight for Roland with a kitchen knife in hand. Roland side stepped as he put his hand forward and caught the mans wrist, with a quick movement he snapped the mans wrist breaking it completely. The man screamed in pain as the knife dropped to the floor, Roland pulled him in towards him and slammed his knee into his stomach and then launched him into the floor as he landed near the broken window. As the young man slowly and shakily got to his feet the bullet proof vest became obvious he leaned against the open window and the wall as blood was dripping from his mouth. [i][b]"You pig! Your a fascist pig! It was people like you who ruined my life! Made me be things I never wanted to be!"[/b][/i] [b]"If killing innocent people for amusement is one of things people like me stopped you from doing then I am glad you sick bastard... But it doesn't matter it over now get on the damn ground!"[/b] [b][i]"Never!"[/i][/b] The man reached down quickly under his shirt to reveal the handle of a revolver, Roland raised his 22 just as the man pulled out his gun. Pulling the trigger one last time the bullet pierced the man straight in the head between the eye's. The mans face instantly became still as his mouth went agape, his eye's unmoving as he fell backwards and fell out through the open window and disappeared into the light outside. Roland lowered the gun as he slowly replaced it back in its holster shaking his head. Walking forward he looked out the window to see the body of the young man sprawled on the ground below. It was a damn waste of life, then again these days it always was, Roland turned around as he picked up the old world war relic and put the site up to his eye testing the scope. Looking back out the window the shamblers were still moving on the school, the fence now down presumably from the car he had heard earlier. Roland knelt down at the window next to a large box of rounds, checking the ammo count in the gun, he reloaded the weapon quickly as he put the scope to his eye and looked down onto the field. He had killed the sniper but those people were still very much in danger. Lining up the site with a nearby shambler in the field Roland pulled off a shot and put a bullet in its head as it fell. Pulling up the bolt he ejected the spent shell and took another shot taking down a shambler closer to the school splattering its brains across the grass. "Time to move you guys whoever you are, I hope you realize your being helped now instead of shot at..." [centre][img][/img][/centre]