"Oh bleedin' [b][u]SHITE[/u][/b]!" I'd been right behind her when she got shot. I wasn't even expecting it at all. Today was just the bloody greatest day in the bloody fockin' world, eh. First we had to abandon our bus, then we got shot at, [b]then[/b] we lost three of our own, [b][i]then[/i][/b] this stranger barreled into our gang and brought his dead friends, and [b][i][u]NOW[/u][/i][/b] that god fockin' sniper had taken out Doris! Sure she might've lagged behind several times but she was a help! She took care of Sophia when no one else did! And now she was another bloody corpse on the floor! Good fockin' deal this was then! Everythin's gone to shite! Still flat on the floor, I scooted forward and away from the window, grabbing onto the little lass as well. If no one else was gonna take care of her, aye, let this Irish bitch do the job. I got my hand around her arm and pulled, dragging her forward from the window and into the relative safety of the doorway. Now we were trapped between a bullet and seventy bajillion pounds of dead flesh waiting to tear us limb from limb. Stupid stupid stupid! All this would'nae have happen'd if we'd not been stopped on the bloody road! "Shite shite shite [b]SHITE[/b]. Well what're we gonna do now?" Our new arrival took a peek out the fire door. A resounding boom made him retreat as the door exploded and slammed back into the frame, showering us with splinters. So much for that idea. More booming echoed across the street as our gunman fired at something else, and as I took a peek out the window, I saw why. A police car was approaching the school! There was a human driver in there! I flinched as another shot rang out and I saw sparks ping off the metal of the car's bonnet. The car crashed straight into the chain-link fence and the horn sounded once, but when I thought the driver was dead, the engine revved heartily and the car jolted right over the fallen fence and made its way over to us. Would be but a few seconds 'fore it crashed or stopped right outside the fire door. Which means that we had to get it open somehow. I pushed on the bar to try and open it, but it was stuck stiff. That last shot from the sniper must've jammed it into the frame. Bleedin' 'eck. With a hand bracing the bar down, I leaned my shoulder against it. "Alright gang! We hafta get outta here, so help me bust this bloody fockin' door down!" Without waiting I reared back and gave the door one almighty shove with my shoulder, showering myself with another cloud of splinters as it barely budged. Jesus-bleedin'-Christ this was going to hell fast. I reared back and gave it another shove. Made the thing shift a fraction of an inch, wasn't good enough but it was somethin' at least. In the back of me mind I heard the resounding gunshots from the house across the street cease, replaced by angry cracks like someone was settin' off firecrackers or somethin'. The car was getting closer, and in the next second he'd probably be here, hopefully his vehicle didn't block the bloody door shut. The engine noise had drawn several deads from the street, but as I watched the gunman fired his rifle again. I flinched, expecting someone else in here to fall over, but when I opened my eyes I saw a shambler staggering forward with a fist-sized hole in its face before it keeled over, re-dead. Did that asshat have a change of heart?! First he forced us off the bloody street, then he killed Doris and [b][u]NOW[/u][/b] he was killin' deads?! Jesus-bloody-Christ! Whatever the case, we needed this door open. I remembered, back before the chaos, that the army dude said his name was Alex. I turned back and looked for him. "Oy! Alex! Ye're the strong type! Come help me with this bloody door!"