Name: Vince Ceilio Alias(s): Heart String... Shut up its totally manly Age: 26 Affiliations: none Factions: Formerly MHLA (a long time ago) Currently Underground Movement Description: [hider=Vince] [img][/img] Vince stands at a rather intimidating 6 foot 2 and loves to use his athletic build to scare people. His casual wear usually consist of jeans and a button down shirt or a V-neck because he loves those, on missions he dons a black cloak and pair of dark cargo pants with knee pads and a dark shirt. Each is specifically tailored to fit him and made with special features. His Formal wear is of course a suit. [/hider] Powers: -Pheromone/emotion manipulation: Vince can influence a persons thoughts and emotions through 'powerful suggestions.' He can suggest feelings that aren't easily ignored, even by people who are emotionally controlled or guarded. He could plant a feeling of need for something that, with reinforcement, would become almost impossible to ignore. If Vince exerts too much influence over a person their brain basically becomes like putty and they are essentially mindless drones, sadly with out Vince's guidance they'll die because they will not attend to their own needs. This power is weakened when Vince tries to influence large groups of people, his influence will eventually fade and disappear after extended periods of time away from it. It is especially effective on normal humans and women. -Nerve Manipulation: He can accelerate his reflexes, speed, strength and other attributes and do the same on other people. He can keep up a constant 'boost' for 4 hours, any longer and he does nerve damage that even he can not fix. While he can not regenerate he can prompt his wounds to heal much faster, reducing the amount of time needed to heal by at least 75%, any pain caused by a wound can be suppressed due to the rate at which his nerves heal as nerves are the reason people feel pain. He, in theory, can control the movements of a person and essentially 'puppet, them but this is an extremely difficult and energy consuming task and he focuses primarily on creating or cutting out impulses or messages being sent to the brain. This allows him to make people feel pain among other sensations and prevent them from seeing or feeling things if he so chooses. Interestingly enough he can create nervous diseases or heal them but he can't really fix any other sicknesses. This power works best through touch and when applied through touch there is a lasing effect that can diminish if the victim goes out of range. Proximity works as well but it is not nearly as potent. It is similarly weakened by the amount of people he effects and works better on normal humans, however, there is no extra effect on either gender. He can be killed like any normal person, his powers are not very offensive friendly so a face to face confrontation is a dangerous situation for him because he mostly has to rely on the weapons he has with him. Skills: -Good Actor -Skilled in combat with both hand to hand styles and weapons -Multi-Lingual -Literary nerd (He reads Homer's Odyssey and Shakespeare for fun) Equipment: Vince owns a number of 'goodies he stole from project VAULT. The 'practical invisibility' cloak which has a sort of chameleon function where people will subconsciously choose not to notice him unless he is pointed out or speaks to them. The 'Thief's Knives' that steal the life energy of those they cut and use it to heal the holder. Lastly the 'Ancient Blade' a niched up old sword that comes with an equally as old sheath and is kept in a black box, it only works for good but if he can't use it, no one can. It is supposed to be very powerful. Ranking: B/A Brief History: [hider=Totally broke the length rule] Vince was born into part of Italy's wealthy class but his father got there with powers which led the largely Catholic community to believe he was some kind of 'Devil Spawn,' the way he could charm people into doing what he wanted was unearthly. Within a couple years of Vince's birth they decided that the child must be saved, the wife would never have voluntarily married a Devil's man or bear his child. These where fairly good intentions, Vince's father was a bad person to the core, but along the way things went wrong. A plan was devised to hide him away and raise him the right way, so at four years old he was stolen from his home. During the chaos that ensued, his parents house was burned down with them trapped inside. Despite the ruckus this should have caused the press was kept quiet and any documentation of the incident cite it as an accident, besides the official police report that is. Vince's powers began to manifest when he was only seven, the towns people began to grow suspicious of him, the shop keepers inexplicably could not turn him down when he asked for sweets without paying. He was aware of his persuasiveness shortly after his powers kicked in. People began to distrust him in general and the feeling was mutual, he couldn't bring himself to even like humans and he eventually came to the conclusion that Humans were the natural enemy of Metas. Things were getting particularly bad when a traveler came by swiping him up in the nick of time. Within the week he became a member of the MHLA He was given a proper education and taught to fight, often along side a blonde haired girl who was close to his age. Unlike her he was often told that using his powers to get what he wanted was bad, he could make people do what ever he wanted and he was spoiled to the core because of it. Vince saw a much darker side of the MHLA, the side that put down Metas in pain and took the powers of those using them 'incorrectly,' a side the girl was protected from. These outings were meant to show him what would happen if he didn't use his powers for good. But the girl didn't have to see any of nightmarish things, she was the golden child and he was her shadow. Oddly enough the two formed a friendship, Vince had started blaming pretty much every thing on the MHLA. He was only ten so the thought process was quite natural, the higher power was always at fault but it had some logic behind it, the MHLA weren't the angels they appeared to be. With time things got worse he found out about the Avarice and Mad Dog protocols, those being the worst of many. Yet with all this evil, he tried to see the best, to stick it through, for all the bad things they did there was still a lot of good being done and Vince appreciated that, he couldn't just leave after they showed him so much about his powers. He and the girl ended up spending more and more time together, she was highly resistant to his power and it was refreshing. They had a fling during a weird rebellious phase she had when she was 16 but that ended due to a tragic accident. At that point Vince was pretty fed up with the MHLA who blamed the bulk of the accident on the girl even though it was mostly his fault, as if they were trying to put her further in their debt. She had lost so much energy that her hair had gone gray due to the incident. They were playing a game Vince didn't want to be a part of. So he left, the girl, Cer, refused to go with him. Vince was out in the world, naïve, 17, and spoiled; a recipe for disaster. His hatred for humans hadn't been lessened by the MHLA. He would control anyone who stood his way, no one could deny him anything so he got everything. But what he didnt account for was that a person with everything gets bored quickly. He became bored with the world, little things gave him a thrill anymore and he could only play so many games with a human's mind, they were painfully simple. That was where he found 'saving grace' in the underground movement. Their idea for a war on humans had him hooked, if humans were enemy number one than no one would care if he broke a few while messing with them. It was a match made in heaven. As shady as they were they weren't constantly in his face and business. The only thing that bothered him about them was how dramatic some of them were, the theatrics really aren't necessary when dealing with friends and not that obligatory when dealing with enemies. They liked to play their parts, psychotic child, diabolical leader, he unfortunately found himself as the bored puppet master. They seemed to love to put themselves in boxes, something he doesn't agree with. In terms of current issues there are other negatives to the Underground movement. He regards the whole issue of 'Tree Baby Jesus' with annoyance because he does not support using it on anything that is not a meta. No human, no matter how 'worthy' they are should become a meta. It makes being a meta look like another thing they can take, like his parents or his rights. Despite this position he keeps his mouth shut and thoughts in his head because his loyalty comes before his beliefs. [/hider] TLDR: Vince hates humans. He has a bit of history with Cer and the MHLA that makes them uncomfortable. He doesn't like Tree Baby Jesus. (Killer of the MHLA?!?!?!?!?)