[center][h3][u][b][color=f49ac2]Kitty Lee[/color] & [color=00a99d]Dorian Lost[/color][/b][/u][/h3][/center] By the time the surgery was over, Kitty was wide awake. She’d woken up mid-way through Dorian resetting her arm, actually, and had been somewhat alarmed, both at the fact that she seemed to have changed location and at the fact that at soon as she’d awoken, the rather abrasive man who was treating her had started cursing at her to [i]stop goddamn moving[/i] because she was getting in his way. He’d kitted her out with a nice cast for her arm, though, and had even let her choose the color! And add decorations! By the time she was “all fixed-up”, her cast was bright pink and covered in Pokemon stickers. The world would never know why exactly Dorian had those in his office. [color=00a99d]“I’m your school nurse,” [/color]Dorian explained to her gruffly.[color=00a99d] “Dorian Lost. You’ll refer to me as ‘Mr. Dorian’, because ‘Mr. Lost’ makes me feel old. And I just don’t like it. Or ‘sir’. Anyway, you’re a teleporter, right?”[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Yes, sir!” [/color]Kitty said, rather enthusiastically. She was feeling rather cheery, actually, having noticed the distinct lack of handcuffs around her wrists: apparently someone had removed them while she was asleep. [color=00a99d]“Great,”[/color] said Dorian, and produced a photograph from his lab coat. It was of a train station… somewhere. [color=00a99d]“You’re probably not advanced enough for coordinate teleportation yet, so look at this picture and teleport us there. Got it?”[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Got it!”[/color] said Kitty. She somewhat tentatively took Dorian’s hand --physical contact was a necessity for side-along teleportation, after all-- closed her eyes, and visualized the station. Teleportation was always bit of a disorienting feeling. People who weren’t used to it often threw up on their first trip, actually. It was fast, and took less than a split second, but there was pretty much no way around the fact that your molecules were being rearranged in a different location. Kitty, of course, was very much used to it. So was Dorian, apparently. [color=00a99d]“Great,” [/color]said Dorian, and sat down on the floor. [color=00a99d]“And now we wait. Some of your miserable little friends will be here soon for treatment. Wonderful.”[/color] Kitty hummed, inspecting her cast, and then offered it to him. [color=f49ac2]“Sign my cast?”[/color] she said, without missing a beat. Dorian gave her an incredulous look. [color=00a99d]“Seriously?” [/color]he said, but produced a black marker from his lab coat and signed his name across her cast with a flourish anyway.