[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] To Cheol's earlier question, the girl simply nodded her head to him before exiting out the train. Cheol blinked but quickly followed after her until he was walking by her side, making his way down the rails towards the platform, just as the monster-woman had said. At this point, his memory had slowly started to return, and he remembered where he was at now. He remembered the letter, the one from a 'Vice Principal Smith', the one which he had shown to his parents, the one which had led him to reveal the mask to them and the powers that it bestowed upon him. He remembered how had been picked up an American man, saying he was from the Herculean Academy, and then... Nothing. He had somehow fallen asleep between then and now, and put into a tram with many other kids, who all seemed a little unusual in there own right. Like that monster with many mouths. Feeling a little less nervous but painfully aware of the silence, Cheol spoke. "I'm, err, Cheol, by the way," he said to the girl, who he didn't seem to be much of a talker. "Cheol Akiyama." He paused, waiting for kind of response before adding, "Erm... so... I'm guessing you've got powers, right? Like, superpowers." 'I must sound really stupid,' Cheol thought nervously. It was then the platform came into view, and Cheol noted a girl and man in a white lab coat standing upon it. 'Oh good,' he thought, doing his best to suppress a sigh of relief. The girl he had been walking with kind of creeped him out, the way she seemed so withdrawn. Though, at this point, he noticed that she suddenly stopped and was simply staring at the platform. Cheol frowned. "Erm, you okay?" he asked.