[centre] [h3][color=fdc68a]~Graham Turner~[/color][/h3] [color=00aeef]"Yo, Graham. "What happened? I kinda got...knocked out there. I think. Gah, I feel like I have a massive hangover. That's the second time I've hit my head in an hour...And who's the chick with the saw for an arm?"[/color] Alexis. She seemed pretty fine, it not a bit out of the loop. Graham broke his gaze of Meredith and offered her a weak smile and shook his head. How did he explain any of this? He wasn’t sure what had happened himself. Not fully, at least. It all happened so fast. But he couldn’t just leave her in the dark. Might as well spill what he thought he knew. He opened his mouth and- [color=f7976a]"Alright, so, if I could have all of your attention please!"[/color] Well then. Little Miss Monster was probably going to save him some trouble. [color=f7976a]"Anyone want to tell me who was fighting? You'll get bonus points in my class for being a good little human!~"[/color] Graham gulped silently. If she WAS a teacher, he supposed that would be what she wanted to know. Well, she wouldn’t find out from him. Don’t narc. Narcing gets you shanked. Or at least, that’s what television would have him believe. And when had television ever steered somebody wrong? [color=f7976a]"How about you? You seem like you saw what happened clearly. Ah, wait. You're bleeding. I said anyone who was seriously injured needs to be escorted out, little miss. That glass should probably be taken care of. You there! If you would be so kind as to escort miss here towards the arrival platform, it would be most appreciated. It's at the end of the rails, just follow the tracks in---That, direction!"[/color] Another gulp. Graham felt bad for the bleeder. Having it look at him made him feel uneasy. Having to talk to it? A silent shudder rippled through the boy. Still, he saw a chance. While she was busy directing the injured to safety, he might be able to fill Alexis in a bit. [color=fdc68a]“Train stopped. Not sure why. Most of us fell. Kitty got injured, not sure how. So did some others. That woman’s a monster, ripped a hole in the ceiling. Be glad you didn’t see it. Upperclassmen tried to stop her and…”[/color] Graham spoke quietly, but quickly. He paused for a moment, looking down toward Sam. He hadn’t noticed what had happened on that front. He gave a quick nod in that direction then went back to his recap. [color=fdc68a]“...and now we shut up. I think you know why.”[/color] Good. That should cover most points. And he felt like he spoke quietly enough that the monster didn’t overhear. God, he hoped so. [/centre]