Being given a breather, Xerox discarded his shield. It was un-salvageable. Any more and it would have been pierced through with bullet holes. He only had a couple more of those left in reserve, but they were built weaker than this one. Propping his glasses, he scanned the situation, assessing the state of Wiggs's implants. A number were severely damaged, but he had a ridiculous amount. Hell, it was almost like he was a mecha rather than a human. It was difficult to find out which implants were important due to the sheer amount. With Jake almost suffocating, Xerox prepared to dash in, to attempt to assist, before seeing a flash of light free him. Soon after, Jericho froze the room and the Major's feet. Xerox felt the chill embrace his body. It allowed him to assess the situation some more. [color=Gold]"If there's some kind of containment plan, nows the time. I don't relish looking like some of the others."[/color] Jericho called out. Xerox was about to ask if Duncan had a plan, before he spotted the quartet of orbs. [color=aqua]"Well, look at who joined the party. Good to have you on board Eika."[/color] Xerox called out to the girl who came with her signature orbs. Seeing her approach Duncan, he wasn't surprised at what she did, although, he did not realize that she was drawing magic from him. Wiggs was shocked by the lightning shot by the quartet of orbs. [color=darkred]"MmmmmmOOOORREEEE TRAAAAiiiiiitORS!!!"[/color] He shouted out. Further enraged, he pulled off a large mass of ice from floor near his feet, and threw it at high velocity at Eika. Pulling out another shield from his [b]ESS[/b], Xerox tried to reach out and defend the girl sucking the life out of Duncan. However, he was not going to reach. With all his effort, he, unknown to himself, was able to drop a metal wall he had stored in between Eika and the chunk of ice, which shattered on impact. [color=aqua]"Can you not flirt here? Kind of need to capture this guy, which makes it harder than just killing him off."[/color] Xerox sighed, relieved. Turning back to the Major, and once again propping his glasses up, he found something. There were two implants that were special. One which was the control system of the rest, and another which was meant to recover the others. The first one was located opposite of the heart in his chest, the second was located in the center of his body, surrounded by many of the other implants. Most paramagic won't be able to penetrate that deep, however, with the paramagic rifle, it should be able to set off a thunder deep within his body and short circuit the recovering implant. After that one more thunder should be enough to stop his implants and stop him from moving. [color=aqua]"Duncan, use the rifle and shoot a thunder right into the center of his body. Aim exactly at the solar plexus, just under the xyphoid process! Eika, please follow up the shot with any thunder magic on the right side of his chest and it should incapacitate him. I'll try stall time for the shot."[/color] Xerox ended up ordering Duncan, the operation leader. But he doubted he would mind, considering the situation. Going forth, Xerox charged forth of the group, towards Wiggs. Wiggs had broken free of the ice entrapping his legs, and looked at the puny traitor with a devilish grin, ready to pound Xerox flat to the ground. As Xerox got closer, he paid careful attention to the arm ready to flatten him. The angle was to be very important. Seeing it start to swing, Xerox placed his hand in front, accessing his [b]ESS[/b] and pushed a giant drill angled into the fist that was coming down. Xerox kicked off the drill and made some distance between himself and Wiggs. Wiggs wanted to laugh at the attempt to stop him with a drill. Continuing with the punch, he went to smash the drill into a lump of scrap. Except, instead, it pierced through his arm. The tip was made from diamond and ended up piercing through Wiggs's exceptionally tough skin and bone. The impact still broke the rest of the drill, however, Wiggs had also suffered a serious injury to his hand. [color=darkred]"GRAWWWRRRRRRR!!!!"[/color] the giant of a man screamed out, for the first time seeming like he actually felt some pain.