[center] [hider=Some of Devon] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/c0fd0db034f90442c6f0086dc6cf3489/tumblr_myzhb7NNM41qg1e00o1_1280.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Devon Ryder [b]Superhero Alias:[/b] Shade [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Devon is a pale young man, his skin having dropped a few shades whilst he was in his 'coma' state. In contrast, his hair is a deep black, along with his eyes. Due to his often insomniac fits, the areas around his eyes have darkened slightly; not by much, since he can still sleep sometimes, but just enough to be noticeable, and for it to be a staple point in his appearance. It's not enough for him to appear sickly, but in public, without his mask, it is enough for him to be picked out of the crowd, when combined with his over-all looks. His hair itself is rather messy and a bit long, but not by much; he doesn't like bothering with it that much. Long enough for him to pull it into a small ponytail when exercising, to keep it from matting in his eyes. His build is defined and compact, leanly muscular and sinewy, while his form, when shirtless, obviously has a few scars. [b]Power:[/b] Umbrakinesis, or Shadow and Darkness Manipulation, in other words. It's just as it says; he has control over shadows, and darkness. Quite scary, huh? [b]Mask Appearance:[/b] His...'mask' isn't really a mask...well, it is. Not really. Basically, whenever he wears his mask, it's basically him manipulation the shadows to constantly shroud his face in darkness, making for a really unique and mysterious appearance when combined with his hood up. [b]Personality:[/b] To be formed IC. I don't really like making a strict personality to start with. [b]History:[/b] Eh...it's not fun. Born to a- well, I'll spare you the edgy details. Basically, his father and mother weren't the best parents. Not the worst, not the best. His dad? A deadbeat loser. His mom? A hard-worker with a really bad gambling problem. Things happened, stuff got messed up, and after an argument that ended with his dad having a beer bottle broken over his skull, Devon was kicked out. He sorta drifted after that, pretty homeless, until the government found out and he was given a stipend. Cue him getting a rather crappy apartment, but at least it was an apartment. Not in the best of neighborhoods...but whatever. He's been going to his normal school, until that fateful day where he was put into the two-week coma. After that, everything sorta melded together. [b]Other:[/b] It's pretty hard for him to sleep. Oh, and sometimes, when he's lonely and bored, he talks to shadow creatures. [hider=More of Devon] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/4e46a57fce80df163950a7e766a71cb2/tumblr_nflxitmEK11rsbc4wo1_1280.png[/img] [/hider] [/center]