[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] Before Cheol could get a response from the girl - who he soon learned was called Aspen - the man, Dorian Lost, who seemed to be some kind of doctor, approached them and asked if either of them needed to be treated. Cheol started to open his mouth, but Dorian seemed to not need a real answer as he was already talking to Aspen about treating her hands, and Cheol suddenly felt that he had no reason to be there. He might have tried to speak again, had a second girl, the one who had been standing on the platform with Mr Dorian, came over to Cheol and started talking to him, speaking so fast Cheol could only just process what she was saying. [b]“Hey!”[/b] she said cheerfully, waving her cast at him. [b]“My name’s Kitty Lee! I’m fifteen, and a teleporter! Nice to meet you! I got taken away as soon as that, uh, monster teacher thing showed up! What’d I miss?”[/b] Cheol blinked. "Err, to be honest, I'm not really all that sure," he said, once again feeling shy. "I, erm, was asleep through most of it. I don't even know what was happening." He then pointed to Aspen. "Err, the monster woman asked me to bring her over here. But I get the feeling she doesn't like me much." He paused awkwardly before adding, "I mean that the girl doesn't. Not the monster." He gave a slightly nervous laugh. "And I'm Cheol," he said. "Cheol Akiyama. Nice to meet you." He shifted his weight awkwardly from foot to foot as he spoke those last words.