[h3][center][color=f49ac2][u][b]Kitty Lee[/b][/u][/color][/center][/h3] Oh, bummer. So this boy --Cheol Akiyama, apparently-- didn’t know what was going on either. Well, never mind! Surely [i]someone[/i] would explain the situation to her… eventually? And she was making Cheol uncomfortable. She was, wasn’t she? Kitty could see him awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to another. He looked nervous. Kitty wasn’t an idiot, she knew she could be a little overwhelming sometimes. Okay, really overwhelming. She stopped waving her cast, and took a deep breath. Okay, she would be calm! Calm! [i]Caaaaaaaaallmmmmm[/i]… Well, she felt a little calmer. Maybe? [color=f49ac2]“I’m sure she doesn’t dislike you,” [/color]she said, slightly slower this time. [color=f49ac2]“And even if she does, I can be your friend!” [/color]Oops, she was speeding up again! Calm, calm, calm… “[color=f49ac2]Um. If you want me to be. Kind of weird, huh? This whole superhero school thing? Like, I always knew I was a super, but. My parents are both normals, so I kind of always just figured I’d grow up to be something ordinary too! Like, a librarian or something. But now I’m here to learn how to be a superhero!”[/color] Did she [i]sound[/i] calm? She wasn't sure. Forcing herself to calm down was something that she'd had to do a lot in her old school, but even with all that practice, she still wasn't very good at it. Her innate hyper-activeness was a little hard to suppress. Kitty smiled awkwardly, and produced the marker that Mr. Dorian had given her… and subsequently forgotten to take back. [color=f49ac2]“Want to sign my cast?”[/color] she said, offering it to him.