Name: Alexi Rayne Superhero Alias: Stardust Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Power: Becomes nearly invisible in the darkness or shadows, having that said, Alexi can create a thick black mist around her and her enemies that act as shadows she can hide in. Mask Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Alexi is a dark, gloomy character who suffers from manic depression and bi-polar disorder. As the for good or evil, Alexi stands a neutral super-being. Alexi doesn't talk much, unless she needs to, the only time she actually has a conversation is if shes talking to those she deems as friends or those she deems as pawns (Good-acquaintances). Being a victim of Manic depression she is either doing one of two things; beings constantly busy with anything she can find herself doing, or just being depressed and wanting nothing more than to die. History: TBR Other: Bisexual.