Name: Alessandra Rellynn Class: Alchemist (based on this [url][/url] ) Race: Half-Elf Main Hand: Simply a metal staff, its collapsible down to a smaller stick that can be easily stored away in a bag. Off Hand: Secondary Weapon: Firebombs made out of some specially brewed oils and lit rags. Armor Type: Cloth Magic: Alchemical Crafting; Transmutation; Brewing Potions Skills: Potionmaking, Perception, Concentration Alignment: Lawful, if only due to her need to adhere to a strict, scientific lifestyle Personality: Alessandra is a socially backward, rude, analytical scientist. She is bad at socialization, rambles on about topics only she cares about and requires absolute perfectionism in everything she does. This can make her somewhat insufferable, but putting up with her can pay off. Due to her high attention to detail, Alessandra is capable of picking up on minute pieces of information that others would see as worthless. If, and I stress *if*, you can get her to like you; there is no one more loving and caring than Alessandra. For the most part, however, its best just to let her work. Don't be surprised to see her making notes in her journal or drawing a picture of some new herb she spotted on the adventure.