[h3]Cecelia, Student[/h3] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/184/9/6/bunny_girl_render_by_infinity_dreamer-d6bwmep.png[/img] Superhero Alias: The Bunny Knight Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Above picture Power: Transmutation - Can turn anything nonsentient she's touching into anything else she's seen for a short time (10 minutes max) (she can also revert things before the 10 minutes) Mask Appearance: [hider=Goes from a shiny white tint on the right side of the mask to a shiny black tint] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ba/57/74/ba5774f7ed6736402500a77782c17415.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Cecelia is happy-go-lucky and loves to make new friends. She's sociable, but shy. She's too shy to make the first move, but once she gets warmed up to that person, she's super-happy to the point of seeming hyperactive. History: Cecelia has a dull home life, whith a dad who works most all day and a mom who spends all day cleaning and shopping. Cecelia is usually home alone, helping her mom, or at a friend's house in her free time. She loves having people around since she doesn't have much communication at home. When she learned about her ability to change objects into others, home life got a little more... interesting. Being home alone was easier because she could make temporary entertainment, and the more she concentrated on it, the longer it lasted. After the viral incident, Cecelia went over to her friends' houses to play with powers. She was bored less often, and started doing arts and crafts more, eventually making a mask out of broken glass from her house. She colored the glass and started wearing it around the house. One night, her house was being robbed. Cecelia heard something happen, so she put on her mask, clutched her stuffed bunny to her chest, and went off to figure out what the noise was. When she saw the burgaler, she got scared, especially when she saw the gun. After a few seconds being frozen in place, she looked at Fluffy, the stuffed bunny, and focused. Once Fluffy was in the shape of a gun (to this day, Cecelia doesn't know if it was a real gun or just looked like one) she pointed it at the burgaler and threatened to shoot. He ran out, empty-handed, leaving Cecelia to go back to bed with the reformed Fluffy. Since then, she's occasionally been seen fighting crime, using her bunny as a weapon once transmutated. More often than not, she just comically drops an anvil on the evil-doer's head. Other: And yes, she still carries Fluffy around. Even at school.