[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] Cheol blinked as Kitty started talking again, still having trouble keeping up with her, when she suddenly produced a pen, one of those big black markers. [b]“Want to sign my cast?”[/b] she asked. It was such an awkward thing that Cheol suddenly burst out laughing. In the last minutes, so many weird things had happened. He had woken up in a train surrounded by two monsters and many injured students, had been asked to escort a girl down to what looked like some kind of underground facility, and now a random stranger who had just told him she had the ability to teleport was asking him to sign her cast. Once he had stopped laughing, Cheol carefully took the marker from Kitty. "Sure," he said, smiling at her. He suddenly felt a little more relaxed, though he wasn't entirely sure why. "As long as you don't mind me signing my name in Katakana, that is." He paused before quickly adding, just in case she didn't know what he meant, "Err, it's one of the Japanese alphabets."