[b][u][color=f49ac2][center][h3]Kitty Lee[/h3][/center][/color][/u][/b] When Cheol started laughing almost hysterically, Kitty honestly had no idea what to do. Like… what was that supposed to [i]mean?[/i] Was that a good thing? A bad thing? Had her attempt at being calm finally worked? When he stopped laughing, though, he was smiling, and took the pen from her. "Sure," he said, and it was like something in his face had un-tensed. He looked… considerably less anxious. "As long as you don't mind me signing my name in Katakana, that is. Err, it's one of the Japanese alphabets." [color=f49ac2]"No, no!"[/color] Kitty said. [color=f49ac2]"I don't mind at all! Go for it! Katakana's… uh, I know this… it's the one that's, uh, not like Chinese. Kanji's the one that's like Chinese, right?" [/color]She looked anxiously at him, feeling absurdly eager to please. Kind of like a puppy, really. [color=f49ac2]"Um,"[/color] she said. [color=f49ac2]"I think it'll look really cool! It'll be the highlight of my cast… uh. Well, maybe second place. The Pokemon stickers are the stars of the show. But, um! It'll be a close second!"[/color] Coming from Kitty, that was actually a pretty high compliment. After all, [i]nothing[/i] was cooler than Pokemon. To a person who didn't know much about the importance of Pokemon, however, that probably sounded like a pretty terrible thing to say. Kitty flushed. [color=f49ac2]"Not that- uh. I mean. Pokemon's cooler than anything, so, uh. That means your signature is really cool?"[/color] Wow, she was starting to confuse herself. She shook her head to clear it. [color=f49ac2]"Uh, cooler than Mr. Dorian's, anyway,"[/color] she said, and looked around frantically to check whether he'd heard it. It didn't look like he had. Thank goodness.