As Yosuke's fingertips came in contact with the feathers of light on the girl's wings, he actually gasped, as if he was in some sort of shitty movie. The warmth she emanated was intoxicating. He smiled for the first time in and hour, and an incredible calm shrouded him. When she wrapped her wings around him, he shuddered and his knees threatened to buckle ou from under him. Normally being this close to a woman would make him vomit out of nervousness and flee, but the sensation was so overpowering he couldn't even think. Yeah, she was magic. On The First Day, or, as he would prefer calling her, Angel, explained herself. As he understood it, they were her champions to go and correct various errors in certain worlds, as to not facilitate the destruction of the entire multiverse. A heavy job for a team of teenagers with attitude. He wasn't just tasked with saving the world, but all worlds. Ever. Shit man, that was a tall order. Especially if he was being placed with these probable dumbasses, all of whom he hadn't know until this very instant. Angel's wings flashed with a deep golden light, and visions flooded his brain. He saw it. The variety of the multiverse. Worlds, Planets, Galaxies. The infinite complexity of universes, tons of them, compacted into an instant. He also saw the amazing powers to be granted to him. The ability to take the air right out of a man's lungs. To cause a massive implosion. To mess with one of the fundamental forces of the universe, vacuum. The ability to animate the inanimate, motion to the motionless. That anime plushie in his room? He could talk to it! But most importantly, there was a girl. There was someone to talk to, to defend him, to help him. Someone who just might understand him and like him, for once in his god forsaken life. "I'm in." Yosuke said, with a resolve sturdier than topaz.