[center]+[b]HIKARU[/b]+ Momo's and Hikaru's injuries weren't as intense as Shinji's so they didn't need to visit the hospital. A bottle of painkillers and band-aids fixed up their problems pretty quick. But unlike Momo, Hikaru couldn't hide his scars and people who didn't know about the dark hour constantly asked him if he was in an abusive relationship or something. +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance was still confused about the whole 'persona' deal. There hadn't been a shadow attack since two weeks ago, so for all he knew, it had been nothing but a dream. Like yesterday and the day before, Fleance stayed in his room, playing video games. He was playing a popular fighting game online and his opponent was someone named xXno.1 badassXx, though his fighting skills were anything but badass. Lance had won three times in a row already. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Momo was in his room, also playing video games. And as you might have guessed, he was xXno.1 badassXx that Lance was fighting. +[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ " Did you get the one I sent you?" Kimiko asked over the phone, flipping through her photo album. One the other end was Kisa Kamiya, the president of the S.S.S fanclub, or better known as '★ SHINJI-SANADA-SEMPAI FANCLUB ★'. She was talking about a picture she had taken of Shinji when he was in the hospital. She had been a real ninja about it too and took it while Shinji was sleeping. " Yes! HE'S LIKE AN ANGEL," The other girl on the line squealed. Kimiko laughed and agreed with her friend. A knock at her door pulled her away from her conversation. " Hold on." She said as she opened the door. " Oh! Shinji, what are you doing here?" She asked, loud enough for Kisa to hear over the phone. A loud squeal could be heard over the line and Kimiko pressed the phone against her chest to silence it, smiling up at Shinji.[/center]