Liesl had eventually come down from the rooftop, knowing the destruction of battles were beginning all around the world. The power around her.. it took a toll on feeling it all. But that was the cost of battle; that was the cost of becoming King. Liesl watched Dr. Long fill out paperwork, and his ears perked whenever he heard a knock. Liesl's whole body felt heavy. That enormous amount of power.. It weighed so heavily on her. She paled, staring down at her boots. It wasn't Kali's style, though, to knock on a door. She would burst in, guns firing, spirit ablaze. Dr. Long stood, setting down his smokes and looking over at Liesl. "It's a mamodo, isn't it?" He whispered. Liesl nodded. "A mamodo you know?" He asked, and Liesl stood, walking over to the door. "A mamodo everyone knows. Of." That, and a mysterious human partner. The Doctor followed her down the stairs, hands in his pocket. He stared at the doorknob, opening it as Liesl waited on the staircase. At the sight of the two, the Doctor grinned. So, he thought, this is the famous Kali. "Hello, I don't believe we've met. What can I do for you today? Neither of you look sick." He examined, leaning against his threshold side. "Or is a relative sick? I do make house calls." He smiled innocently.