[center] [color=f7976a]~Meredith Hillard [/color]&[color=00aeef] Alexis Sinclair~[/color] [color=f9ad81]“Train stopped. Not sure why. Most of us fell. Kitty got injured, not sure how. So did some others. That woman’s a monster, ripped a hole in the ceiling. Be glad you didn’t see it. Upperclassmen tried to stop her and…and now we shut up. I think you know why.”[/color] Alexis silently listened to Graham. Kitty go injured? Damn it. That was her fault then. They probably somehow knew that they had gotten in a fight and tried to break it up by stopping the train or something. She didn't know for certain, but she had her suspicions. These government types [i]always[/i] knew what was going on in their facilities. Hell, she doubted if this 'school' would be any different from...that [i]other[/i] place. She shivered a bit at that, though she didn't let Graham know why. However, this offered a rather...unique opportunity for her to get back at little miss princess if this lady was a teacher and looking for a culprit. [color=00aeef]"Hrmph. Shutting up was never my strong suit..."[/color] She quietly replied to Graham, before giving him a mischievous grin. [color=00aeef]"Hey, back me up if I need it, alright?" [/color]She quietly whispered, giving him a sharp nudge in the side. She didn't actually expect much from him actually. In fact, she expected that he wouldn't say anything whatsoever. But on the off chance he did say something, she'd welcome it. [color=00aeef]"Uhm...Hello? I don't think I got your name."[/color] She said to Meredith, reaching into her pocket to silence her headphones which were still playing music, rather loudly. Meredith turned to face Alexis, a grin plastered on her face. [color=f7976a]"Well hello to you too! Nice to see someone has some manners among all this...chaos."[/color] She chuckled. [color=f7976a]"Meredith Hillard, at your service. Biology teacher and world famous Biologist, if you keep up with that sort of thing. And you...are...?" [/color] [color=00aeef]"Alexis Sinclair."[/color] She promptly replied. [color=f7976a]"Well hullo~ Do you need something? You're not injured are you?"[/color] She asked, eyes quickly darting up and down to see if there were any visible injuries on the other girl. [color=00aeef]"Other than what feels like a hangover from bashing my head into the floor twice, I'm good."[/color] The reply elicited a laugh from Meredith, apparently she found her response funny. Good, that meant she seemed like a nice kid to this teacher. She seemed just as easy to fool as those idiots back at the other place. [color=00aeef]"That person over there was the one fighting."[/color] She said, perhaps a bit too bluntly, pointing towards Brett without giving much further explanation. [color=f7976a]"Oh? Any details?"[/color] Meredith asked, looking at Alexis a bit expectantly. [color=00aeef]"Well...uhm, she attacked me. And I had to defend myself and my friends."[/color] She replied nodding her head slightly over to Graham. It wasn't an outright lie. Just...stretching the truth a bit. She knew she probably wouldn't get off free, but there was probably little she could do to keep herself out of this altogether. So, she'd just label that other chick as a troublemaker. [color=f7976a]"Well well, defending your friends is quite admirable. And attacking someone is a very very bad thing."[/color] She finally replied after a few moments of silence. [color=f7976a]"Do you have anything to add? Is it indeed as your friend said?"[/color] She asked, looking at Graham expectantly. Meredith wasn't entirely sure this girl was being truthful, but so far she had been the only one to come forward to say anything. She would have to work with the information that was given to her, even if said information was a bit wrong. If the two girls were the center of this problem, she'd just take them to her office and have a nice long...chat, with them. If they still didn't cooperate, then she'd have to get the Vice Principle involved. That, would be something she would not want to happen. Too much paperwork involved.[/center]