[hider=Mostly Done if you wanna check?][center][color=turquoise][b][center]Name[/center][/b][/color] Emilia Oaks [color=turquoise][b][center]Superhero Alias[/center][/b][/color] Blade Dancer [color=turquoise][b][center]Age[/center][/b][/color] 26 [color=turquoise][b][center]Gender[/center][/b][/color] Female [color=turquoise][b][center]Appearance[/center][/b][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/5b3f73b852993e4c5b75efd4b351c51b/tumblr_n43q053Q701qg6pupo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=turquoise][b][center]Power[/center][/b][/color] Sword Manipulation - Emilia holds eight blades on her that she is freely able to wield, as she has no difficulties controlling all at once. Her blades are not naturally created, as they are formed with her will and gets stronger as she becomes more stubborn and willful. The blades then becomes faster and precise along with the enhanced sturdiness and ability to damage its opponents. However, in reverse the more doubt that Emilia has about herself, the blades themselves will get weaker in theory. Then causing the blades to be brittle and sloppy, as well as easier to dodge and destroy. But her ability's main priority is to lay judgement upon its opponents and excels in being fast and taking the offensive while lacking in the other areas. [color=turquoise][b][center]Mask Appearance[/center][/b][/color] [img]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q39/demonchild1613/randomness/outfits/mask-1-2.jpg[/img] [color=turquoise][b][center]Personality[/center][/b][/color] To her students, Emilia is a bubbly go-lucky person who works as the P.E teacher, who often makes mistakes and is seen as a klutz by both the students and staff personnel. She wears this fake mask to school every day which causes her students and her peers to think why is she even a teacher and she does it well, as when it comes to the night time business she becomes an silent and serious person. Many who have her in her class would not recognize her with her mask on as the complete flip of personality during the day and night is most likely incomprehensible for them. Even teachers are shocked about this abrupt change, however they they somehow manage to get over the fact that a clumsily teacher during the day could be someone like this. Like seriously, a clumsy teacher during day and a hard-cold hero with on-point accuracy is something you would not expect to be tied together. [color=turquoise][b][center]Subject Teaching[/center][/b][/color] P.E [color=turquoise][b][center]History[/center][/b][/color] Although she is a teacher, even the staff dont know much about Emilia's past, however she will tell people that before gaining her powers. She used to be a competent swordsman who won many contests with the only use of her blade. However, with her gaining this power she has too learned how to use this ability as an extension of herself as her previous sword was destroyed. After the academy hearing her skills she was to be recruited to teach the students and in a last case scenario to also defend them. (To be revealed in IC) [color=turquoise][b][center]Other[/center][/b][/color] [/center][/hider]