[hider=Elijah Antol][center] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/256/4/1/okara__plan_to_spoof_izaya_orihara_by_mesha_san-d5ektsg.jpg[/img] Name: Elijah Antol Superhero Alias: Dread Age: 25 Gender: Male Power: Maelstrom/Martial Arts Elijah is able to make his hands and feet extremely dense, making them durable enough, and can give himself the kinetic force to shatter even the toughest of metals given he has time. He can also perform maneuvers that defy gravity, such as dashing twice in midair, or a double jump. He can even detect enemy movement without the sense of vision. These abilities are also complimented by other martial arts techniques Elijah has picked up on his travels. While at a glance it may seem extremely powerful, there are drawbacks. He cannot make any part of his body dense other than his hands and feet, making him extremely vulnerable anywhere else. Foes who have attacks that affect a large area also counter his abilities, as they can simply make his dodging useless by spamming said attacks. He also cannot "cancel" a move, which also means foes with rapid attacks could quickly take him down as well. Mask Appearance: [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/kO6FHoGTnCA/hqdefault.jpg[/img] Personality: TBR Subject Teaching: Martial Arts, World History History: Elijah had a remarkably normal life up to the age of 13, after learning simple fighting techniques, wanted more knowledge of martial arts. In a span of eight years, he learned the basics of several martial arts, such as systema, muay thai, pencak silat, but never truly mastering any single one. He eventually began using a mixture of martial arts learned, making himself less predictable to opponents. It's currently unknown how he gained his powers, though they are probably due to an incident similar to the one at Eden High. Those powers led the government to hire him as a teacher for Eden City High. Other: [/center][/hider]