[b]MAP ROOM[/b] As he was hidden in the pile of papers he felt something sharp as he flinched a bit moving around as it cut him, he nearly cried as he dug around and found a strange shiny silver weapon. He finally had something to defend himself with as he held out what he did not know at the time was just an ordinary silver key. When he looked he noticed the red beast girl called Moss which was a strange short name so maybe she was from the outside where they make short names cause they too tired to make longer names, though Elin was not long he felt the extra syllable was a lot. Having not even told them his name or said much to them he put his weapon carefully into his pocket as he looked around more carefully. He noticed a small drawing but ignored it as he did not like looking at pictures of clones who were all born bald in his homeland of the Society. Outside of his sheltered existence things changed and it was time for him to take action, time for him to focus. He began to notice mumbling and footsteps above them as he looked up as some dust went into his eyes as he rubbed his eyes against his sleeve. He did not understand what was going on, but he needed to find things to survive as his mind began to realise that right now his only source of food were these strangers. He began to search around for something that might make a good tool for hunting, he did not know much about it but right now his food was not appearing in front of him like usual. He had to do what they did in history books and attack with weapons in order to hunt and eat other people. He then kicked into something hard which hurt his foot as he sat down and saw what he needed, a weapon of mass destruction as he picked it up and pointed it towards the guy with glasses as he slowly moved towards a ticking sound. He was curious as it bothered him a lot, he was holding the gun the wrong way as the hole was actually pointing at him as he was holding it like a hammer. He made the mistake of not understanding what a gun was, but since no one used those in the society he could not figure it out. He finally reached the ticking object and picked it up and also pocketed it, but it kept ticking so he took it out and kept fiddling with it until the ticking stopped. He had clicked something which stopped it so he figured it was a noise maker to distract wild animals. He did not realise in a sense that it did just that in distracting him as he held the gun the wrong way still before thinking about it as he stalked his prey. He began to duck behind tables and piles of papers, books, and other things as he moved in closer and closer until he was at least about five meters away from the guy with glasses called Chris. He then through the gun at him as it flung into the air as he was aiming for the guys head but it would fall short aiming closer to the guy's back or abdomen if he turned around. He was hunting his only source of food as he needed to escape, he needed to survive, he needed to eat.