[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1512401_1001719059848280_6390605674085726515_n.jpg?oh=5b5f3af2e54fdbf27245851ee32fda45&oe=558033A0&__gda__=1437640233_beea01c68f50c5bd08cb26a8f85a7d4f[/img] Still is trying to keep her cool, that guy! UGHH! That guy who messed with my light novel script with Tabasco sauce 2 days ago! Arajuku Ueno! Ria is flustered seeing him again. It's not like the guy did it on purpose but reaching a success at almost 100% only to be destroyed by a Tabasco sauce, Ria cried deep inside as her efforts were crushed. [h3]"B-B-B-B-B-B--B-B-B-BONE??!?!?!?!?"[/h3] Hilarious [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/a77379dcea15a082ec68de1a240b0f5a/tumblr_mkpc4nwRff1qjdg9po2_500.gif]reactionp[/url] Ria could not spit it out but think but her behavior from the body language she's showing with her reaction already explains the dirty thoughts clinging right now, she couldn't bear to eat her banana split after the pyromaniac said it. She was blushing so red that Arajuku Ueno is the second person to get her all worked up, second to Taiki who can mess and break down the Absolute Zero's cold stone heart. And then she STRIPS.[url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/8742d75a32c57149ce8df8b51dbc4373/tumblr_mtm1epq4le1r3z3s3o1_500.gif]laughs[/url] smoothly. Maintaining her lost cool but it's not helping at all. She stands proud. [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110829073252/fairytail/pl/images/3/3b/Natsu-vs-grey.jpg]And they butt heads[/url] [i]I haven't meet a pyromaniac since [b]'him'[/b][/i] Ria pressed him against the wall. [b]"Yeah, you're picking a fight with me Ero-Tabasco-White haired-looking-flame-brained-punk."[/b] Her boisterous voice is so loud that it now causes a commotion in the cafeteria.