[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11065942_999280446758808_5129098284827341320_n.jpg?oh=5499311c80f3438a8609dda875e0d98a&oe=5580539E&__gda__=1437594280_71367d8885860bf218916e57f32f13b2[/img] I am a sheet of paper who was slowly falling down and glomps Tsumiki and I come out of the paper. [b]"Tsurara-san!!!"[/b] Then I was wrong it's not Ria, time to change points. [b]"Tsurara-san!!!"[/b] In a location I marked. Oops, wrong location. [b]"Tsurara-san!!"[/b] Wrong location again, I saw two people smooching in the toilet, I hate it when I see that. I warped again, [b]"Tsurara-san!"[/b] Wrong place. To conserve energy I just run around the place and warp when I need. [b]"Tsurara-san!"[/b] Until finally I warped in the cafeteria with... [b]"I found you!"[/b] Out of balance I am, I landed onto someone's table which covered me in food.