[@Lionheart] There is one thing I'd like to comment on. By making your mother die like this, you're essentially killing off any chance any other player who might have wanted to make a fellow lord would have had at becoming your potential sibling or something. It might not matter all that much this late in the process, really, but I thought I'd mention. And as a Lord you're technically not forced to wield the basic Wyvern Rider lances, but it seems you've thought that out pretty nicely so~ Garric is totally not going to approve of the prince of Grado taking part of his obsession of apples. You're, like, ten to a hundred times more likely to be handed a poisoned apple...! XD ... Heh. Princess Natalia of Frelia... I see that you also thought of matching someone with Marwood's phobia (which is only against princesses, not against women, I believe)... See, I created a character, who isn't canon yet because I haven't decided if I want her, but... Yeah, I also made someone to match that phobia, and since you'd all know she exists if she does, I may as well post her here... [hider=Rafaela][b]Name:[/b] Rafaela [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/0M8JRoL.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/0M8JRoLl.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Apparent Age:[/b] Late teenage years [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nation:[/b] Jehanna [b]Class:[/b] Mercenary (Lord?) [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Background:[/b] The young princess of Jehanna, who was born in a union between Sion and a woman that he picked up during his years travelling around the world. Naturally wishing to take up on her father’s trade, the proud princess of Jehanna had everything exactly the way she wanted it and smiled her sneaky little smile as she had the power and thrived in it. She already leads her own Guild as “training” for becoming the new High Guildmaster after her father. Apparently it has been considered that maybe offer the youngest prince of Renais to her as a potential husband in order to strengthen the bonds between Renais and Jehanna… but somehow it has seemed like the poor little prince is afraid of the dominate princess. … This has only enticed Rafaela to further pursue him, further driving the phobia home… Though, nobody really knows what’s happened with that now that Jehanna invaded Grado and such. She’s currently been left in command of Jehanna’s capital, but she may leave that command to anyone she feels like and be on her way at any moment. [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Slim Sword, Armorslayer, Zanbato, Vulnerary, Hoplon Guard [b]Personality:[/b] A proud, reasonably clever and devious young girl that learned all her lessons on how to act from her father. She acts like a confident rich girl used to constantly being served and has the intelligence to back it up. When she looks upon a person, she immediately sizes them up and analyzes the potential use she may have of them, and how she may have fun with them. She shares her father’s trait of seeking amusement. She takes opportunities where she can get them, and she’s amazingly ambitious, probably plotting her father’s downfall by the second. … Of course, she’s also intelligent enough not to do that at any time she might be at risk from doing so. [b]Ability Assessment:[/b] Death by a thousand cuts. … Rafaela may not be particularly strong, but her skill and speed is off the charts. That makes for many, MANY small low-damage cuts that eventually cuts the opponent down to size. This also allows her to dodge enemy attacks easily, and cut even more. Should a more heavily armored opponent show up, Rafaela brings up one of her specialized slayer-weapons. Her defense is actually entirely OK, too, allowing her to take a hit or so without greater problem. This may seem like she’s superbly superior… … … Rafaela is famously plagued by horrible, HORRIBLE bad luck. She carries that Hoplon Guard because otherwise every third enemy would crit her. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] Rafaela is rather famously plagued by bad luck. She’s been struck by lightning twice, accidentally fallen into abandoned ruins in Jehanna’s sands and hurt herself multiple times, cannot for life win any game that relies even the slightest on luck and she has a phobia for Killing weapons (or any that increase Critical Hit chance) due to the one snapping in half and almost taking her head with it first time she tried wielding one. When she walks past a window a pot may fall at her, a stone may be unsteady or whatever you may call it. This may give the impression that she’s clumsy, but no, she’s just unlucky. But she fights against this, and can still maintain her confident aura. Some say she’s cursed. … Rafaela really, REALLY hates Dark magic users. … Because a few of them stared at her and shook their heads like for a lost cause when she asked what was wrong with her. Oh, and if you take away her Hoplon Guard, she reverts into a completely different character. A shy timid shaking form in the corner who's shaking too much for common speech or actions, extraordinarily clumsy and will flee in terror at the sight of any weapon. [b]R-button Summarization:[/b] The opportunistic, devious and scheming princess of Jehanna. Prone to bad luck.[/hider] ... Hm. But I guess coexistence is possible. Natalia's existence slightly screws over a side-plot I was starting to develop thinking I had gained all the characters I was getting, but... No, wait, I can work with this. Haha. I can work with this. ... *confirms something* Natasha, that cleric was named Natasha, not Natalia. Just similar enough for me to wonder. Haha. Yeah, I did have fishing with his child(ren) in mind when I wrote that in Rioga's profile... Haha... ... ... I will assume you have Pen's permission to be a rival with Griswal's, because you mentioned PMing people and such, yeah, because then that's fine. Just in the odd case that Pen would have something against having that kind of relationship with him. Haha. I am not going to force you to find an image, but you might look a little lonely being the only one without one. Perhaps Bunny can draw one for you? ... That would need to be entirely by her free will, though. XD In any case. Alvin is accepted~! Also, I am going to create a big brother for Marwood, since he so nicely specified that he's the younger brother. I'm just saying so you can think about it. [quote=@Penultimate_Pi] It brings me great joy to learn that of all of our applicants, not one has claimed their character to be non-plot-susceptible. [/quote] It also brings slight trouble to me, because now everyone will be disappointed if I don't use it for something with their character...! XD [quote=@TheHangedMan] I'll be somewhere on the way, presumably fighting bandits and such :) [/quote] Alright, so are you intending to show up on the second map or should I set up a separate map in which you can have a random skirmish with bandits?