[hider=Lexa, Pegasus Knight] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3MVx6wF.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lexa [b]Apparent Age:[/b] Late teens, although her slightly small stature and the remnants of baby fat in her cheeks make her seem a bit younger. She remains hopeful for a very belated growth spurt. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nation[/b]: Frelia [b]Class:[/b] Pegasus Knight [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Lance - D [b]Level:[/b] 2 [b]Background:[/b] It was the castle stables of Frelia she called home. Lexa had parents once upon a time, but they had long since succumbed to the temptations of irresponsibility. That is to say, they abandoned Lexa after they realized she would be doing nothing but drain their already meager resources for quite some time. She had only been six years old then. At the very least, her parents had been strategic about where they left her. As shoddy peddlers, they have swindled their fair share of the Frelian population, and they came to know which were amongst the most gullible. It just so happened that the royal stable boy topped that list, and it was with him that they left their precious daughter—in their defense, they loved their daughter dearly, just not as much as they loved gold. And so their plan came into fruition. The soft-hearted stable boy found Lexa in the stables, playing with the pegasi, a note clipped onto her dress describing her circumstance (it read: please watch over little Alexandra. thanks.). He took her in immediately, just as her parents expected, and with many of the castle staff pitching in to help, he would raise her as his own. It didn't take long before Lexa became an honorary servant of the castle. She mainly helped at the stables, where her affinity for animals worked wonders with the pegasi, but she also liked to poke her nose about the castle. It was like an entirely different world, she thought, full of wonder and glamour. Lexa mooned over princes and kings who sparkled in her eyes and marveled at the grace of the princesses and queens. When she was younger, she had even taken to following Princess Natalia wherever she went, often with a barrage of questions at hand. The princess found a confidante in her, and they talked about everything. Lexa loved hearing about her escapades with the princes, and often wondered who it was, if it ever came to it, she would end up with. Surprisingly, there was one person that she came to idolize even more than the sparkly royalty she loved so much. The Captain of the Pegasus Knights was incomparable in her eyes. She was not of noble descent, but she might as well be. As graceful as a rose with her winning smile and gentle nature, but not without her thorns. She often saw her at the castle, and for the longest time, she even mistook her for the queen. Lexa sought to emulate her, and it was no one's surprise when one day, she theatrically announced that she would enroll in the training academy. Her first assignment as an official Frelian Pegasus Knight was to escort a court emissary to Grado Keep. It was supposed to be easy: they would be in and out within a day. She couldn't have known there would soon be entirely different problems at hand. [b]Plot-Susceptive:[/b] Yes yes yes! [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/5/57/SlimLance.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080815195850[/img] - Slim Lance [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/d/d0/Goddessicon.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080815210518[/img] - Goddess Icon [b]Personality:[/b] If someone were to bottle sunshine, what they would have is the very essence of one blonde pegasus knight. Lexa is an unflinching starry-eyed dreamer who will find a silver lining where there is none, even if she has to make it herself. She thinks anything and everything is possible so long as one is willing to work hard and push through all the way. Unabashedly herself, Lexa is also genuine to the point that it may actually cause secondhand embarrassment. She's the type that can say the sappiest thing without batting an eyelash, and wholeheartedly mean it, too. Lexa also tends to get swept up in the moment, which usually doesn't bode well for anyone involved. Giving a stirring speech in the beginning of a battle is probably the best way to up her motivation by 200%, and it doesn't even matter if it makes sense. But make no mistake: just because she smiles like an idiot doesn't mean she is one. At least not completely. Lexa is passionate and resourceful; once she sets out to do something, it's as good as guaranteed, even though the way she goes about them is probably quite unorthodox. [b]Ability Assessment: [/b] With her small and slight frame, Lexa doesn't exactly pack the strongest punch. She isn't the sturdiest of people either, and a couple of powerful blows can easily knock the wind out of her. This makes them a rather vulnerable target, something that's exacerbated by the fact that she's flippant in the face of danger and tends to heedlessly swoop in the thick of battle. On the flipside, Lexa is fast. Her boundless energy is never more apparent than when she's zooming through the skies. She and her companion move in the air with nigh perfect synchronicity, almost as though they're extensions of each other. The trust between them is palpable and both are willing to risk their lives for each other. Quick on her feet, but even quicker on her pegasus, she relies on agility to dodge blows and get in as many hits as she can. She has an innately high tolerance for magic as well, and is able to withstand a great amount. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: [/b] - Lexa met her constant companion the day she was abandoned. Of all the pegasi in the stables, only one had not taken an immediate liking to her. In fact, the ebony fledgling seemed to have outright despised her. Nightmare, as he was so aptly named, had taken to bullying her. He was disobedient to begin with, but he'd never been as downright evil as he was with Lexa. Their relationship was wrought with rivalry and tussles that always ended with her littered in bruises, but at the end of the day, there was no one Nightmare responded to besides Lexa. What's more, every time she was in some sort of trouble, it was Nightmare that came to her rescue. - As everyone who knows her can attest to, Lexa is a hopelessly hopeless romantic prone to falling hard and quick. Among her ever-growing list of people she's attracted to is the charming Sky King, the King of Red Sands (but she had to put him on a time out because of his recent actions), the blacksmith with the most dazzling smile ever, and sourpuss extraordinaire, General Nero (she'd only seen him once, but she liked his frowny face). - Animals seem to like her a lot. It's probably because she's so simpleminded. - She has absolutely no sense of direction on land. It's too different from when she's in the sky. [b]R-button Summarization:[/b] A jaunty young pegasus knight from Frelia. Often has her head in the clouds. [/center] [/hider]