[center][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11074511_1000600533293466_8942799082661034699_n.jpg?oh=78a75f6abd151c0ab6aef2116f97397f&oe=55B26243&__gda__=1437513155_abf9d1b61395f7d69724fe598521dfd9[/img][/center] Taiki wished he had popcorn or some nachos because things just took a turn for entertaining. "ah... youth..." He muttered as his face was suddenly filled with nostalgia. He remembered fighting his first pyrokinetic. Seriously, it's like being a hot-head is a prerequisite for being a fire-wielder, it was a comical and somewhat suiting phenomenon. Taiki grabbed his bowl of potato salad and started to dig in furiously as he watched the two opposing elementalists clash. Ria was acting like a hot-blooded delinquent, wasn't she supposed to be the cool-headed one? The other one was probably an overly aggressive yankee by trade if first impressions were anything to go by. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" As a responsible teacher, Taiki should've intervened by now and tried to stop them. But if one were to ask Mishima-sensei what 'being responsible' meant, he would probably have a hard time trying to answer. He was better off as a teacher who followed his instincts. And right now, instinct dictated he cheer them on. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Taiki continued to chant as he clambered up on a table, bowl of potatoes in one hand and a raised spoon in the other.