[centre] [h3][color=fdc68a]~Graham Turner~[/color][/h3] [color=00aeef]"Hrmph. Shutting up was never my strong suit...Hey, back me up if I need it, alright?" [/color] Back me up? And what’s with that grin? And the nudge? Graham’s stomach shot sharp pains in all direction, revolting against what it knew was coming. It was as if his body was trying warn him to bolt, to get far, far away from these shenanigans. She didn’t actually plan to- [color=00aeef]"Uhm...Hello? I don't think I got your name."[/color] All of the color drained out of his face. No, not drained, just...disappeared. Completely. Gone off to a better place, a land of sunshine and rainbows. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she wouldn’t do- [color=00aeef]"That person over there was the one fighting."[/color] Nooo. Alexis, don’t. Don’t do it. Just eject. Was there still time to eject? No, probably not. He had been doomed from the start. He fully realized what she wanted. And it seemed like she was not about to give him an option in the matter. My Little Nightmare wanted details. Alexis gave her details. Those details were...uh...close enough to the truth? Right? [color=f7976a]"Do you have anything to add? Is it indeed as your friend said?"[/color] Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Alright. Graham pulled together his mind. Surely any nervousness on his part would just come across as fear from what had just happened. That’s good. That’s perfect. It comforted him quite a bit. But he couldn’t just lie to the teacher. He didn’t even really know Alexis, outside of her liking Pokemon. Was he really about to stick his neck on the line for her? Yeah. Yeah he was. Idiot. While he didn’t make lying a hobby, he was alright at it. Sometimes. They were doomed. [color=fdc68a]“Y-yeah. We were just minding our business when she jumped us…”[/color] Verbally. [color=fdc68a]“And we couldn’t really strike back.”[/color] Kitty kept her cool at least. [color=fdc68a]“So Alexis, well, defended us.”[/color] A good lie always had an element of truth. Even, y’know, blurry subjective truth. [color=fdc68a]“I mean, I wouldn’t say it was really a fight. Just a misunderstanding. Besides, I’d say whoever stopped the train did MUCH more damage. I mean, what kind of irresponsible asshat does that? Bit of a monster if you ask me.”[/color] Graham punctuated that line with an uneasy laugh. Misdirection: the key to ‘getting away with shit.’ He was looking at Meredith, trying his best to hold his stomach at bay. If she could just not look at him, that’d be great. Just being in her sights made his skin crawl. But he couldn’t look away, otherwise he might as well light a big neon sign saying ‘LIAR’ in bright, multicolored neon letters. No. Thinking like that was bad. Think positive, y'know, like anything other than the nightmare that was the tram. Something like, baby pigs. Or badgers. Find your happy place, Graham. Find your happy place. [/centre]