Kaya sat back contently as Bryant leapt at the chance to fight Cody. It was a boy thing. She understood that. Well at least she understood it was something boys liked. She doubted she’d ever fully understand what they saw in it. Then again she’d also seen a lot of the girls take to it too. Then again Kaya had always been very mature for her age. Bryant… not so much. He probably wasn’t immature, just the right amount for their ages really. He was a typical guy and she loved him ust the way she was. Blinking for a few moments Kaya realised what she’d just thought and blushed deeply, pulling her book up to her face until she heard the entire student body give out a big ‘ooooh’ and she looked up to see Bryant flying through the air and landing on a car, causing her to wince slightly. “Come on Bryant.” She whispered softly to herself, never having been one to get up on her feet and shout out. Nor was she ever one to condone violence, she’d still rather see her friend win rather than the guy who bullied her. “Cody! Kick his butt!” She glanced over to see Ashley on her feet shouting, jumping and clapping. Kaya really hoped Bryant didn’t mind she wasn’t as openly supportive of him. Still, he knew her and her distaste for these physical combat classes and he never seemed to mind. At least she hoped so. Cody, at least, seemed to have improved a lot over the holidays. He had certainly never been this closely matched to Bryant before.