"That.... is ofcourse one way to put it..." Toshiro mused with some amusement in his tone at Cyanak's comment about the oncoming trip. "Less the bloodshed we have to cause the better in my opinion, but still." He nodded politely to Bozidar and shrugged his shoulders slightly "Tell the truth I don't quite feel the need for extra wisdom - so you can more or less keep anything wisdom related." He paused again for a good while and glanced around the inn again. "Just a thought - and please, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't druids be technically counted as a religous order of sorts?" He lacked many things - knowledge (arcana), sneaking skill, or move silently skill - what he did have however was a reasonable amount of points in Knowledge (Religion), so he decided to roll that just to get a feel of what they were working with.