I've started work on a sheet :D [hider=WIP] Please use real photo for your appearance! Name: Alex "Rocket" Jones Age: Fourteen Personality: Positive: Perceptive: Being born and raised in a time where anything can and will kill you, she has a pretty good sense of sight and hearing. Youthful: No fear of achey backs or tired legs here! Adaptive: Alex is good at changing plans at the drop of a dime, and she is pretty good at hiding in small spaces. Cooperative: Once she trusts you, she has no problem working with others or even taking orders from others. Friendly: Most of the time, Alex seems to lack any mean bones in her body. Negative: Uneducated: In a traditional sense. Alex's ability to count, spell and read are extremely limited. Small: Alex is petite, meaning it's easier to pick her up and push her over. Untrusting: She has no need to trust strangers, or even people she has known for a short amount of time. She will always assume these people are out to hurt her. Thievish: Alex has a tendency to steal and horde. This could be anything from food and supplies to rocks. Having piles of stuff makes her feel secure. Timid: Alex is a hard nut to crack when it comes to social interaction. She would rather keep quiet and hide then cling to people. Biography: Relationships: (These can be with people from your past life, your current life, and etc. We WANT you to update these as we meet one another in the roleplay and as time goes on. If you're falling in love with someone, say so in your relationships with them, if you have had a big argument and are angry with them- add that too!) [/hider]