[center][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11074511_1000600533293466_8942799082661034699_n.jpg?oh=78a75f6abd151c0ab6aef2116f97397f&oe=55B26243&__gda__=1437513155_abf9d1b61395f7d69724fe598521dfd9[/img][/center] Taiki felt it, as he kept up his delighted chanting, he felt it. He felt a disturbance. One very familiar disturbance. The young man clad in formal attire befitting of a teacher was in the cafeteria. Taiki stopped his cheer as said young man approached him. He was most likely in trouble for letting two students fight... Nevermind him actually encouraging the imminent brawl. So imagine his utter confusion when Kiyoshi-sensei, his long time pal, his trusted comrade, now his colleague, placed his pet cat on his head and simply stared at him. "..." Taiki stared back. "..." Then all hell broke lose for Taiki's auditory senses. "Aaargghhhhh" He reflexively covered his ears as the sound of screeching metal assaulted his ears. Oh how he hated that infernal, damnable noise! He could feel Sayuri dig her claws on his head as she too was subjected to the torture. When the hellish noise ceased, Silence reigned for a short moment before the voice of reason spoke. She was timid and looked close to digging a hole and simply hide there. But her honest feelings were conveyed. To Taiki at least, that was true. The excessively youthful looking teacher smiled, he couldn't help but feel admiration for the girl in a way. Whoever she is, she had caught his interest. Taiki settled the bowl of food with the spoon on the table before taking the cat on his head to his arms into a comfortable cradle. He gently climbed down to the floor and aproached the hot-headed pyro and the almost nude Ria. "Okay, you two, you heard the lady. You wanna fight? Take it outside! I'll even referee the match for ya." A flood of murmurs erupted after his announcement "Wasn't he just cheering earlier? Why's he suddenly so sensible now?" "Hey, who's the brat?" "That's Mishima-sensei." "Don't underestimate him because of his looks, that guy's a level 5 esper." "I heard he can shoot lasers out of his eyes." "Bullshit... That kid?" "He's older than he looks." "You must be new here to judge someone like that." The rumor mill refused to halt. Even as Taiki lead the two eager students (by force if necessary) to the track field. He smirked at the brave girl who spoke up with a look of curious interest before they finally left the cafeteria. Even stringing up a sizable audience along as they did. [@Feisty-Pants] [@Tyrant from the West] [@Masaki Haruna]