[quote=@LaXnyd] Emelia Elwin [color=0054a6]"What. On Earth. Is going on here?" [/color] The owner and manager of the park was not pleased. It was the first day - the opening day - and already things had been marred with one setback after setback. Rides had been damaged, people had been injured and worst of all this was when the number of people who were in the park could still be counted off the top of one's head. She should have hired security. Oh, why didn't she hire security? Probably because there was no one without a job here. Stopping right in front of the ruckus, the commander-turned-park manager crossed her arms and gave each of the people trying to figure out what happened a passing glance. [color=0054a6]"So," [/color]she said with a curt tone that didn't remotely resemble that of a host entertaining their guests, [color=0054a6]"Would somebody care to give an explanation?" [/color] [/quote] Peter The injured man limped away accompanied by some painful sounding grunts and wheezes. Expected to happen eventually, Peter thought, as such was the price of war. In fact with all the whiz's and bangs in the sky he was suprised there wasnt more shrapnel and debris flying down from the heavens and striking others. With the man out of sight and the crowd starting to disperse, Peter became one of the prime peoples being questioned by a frustrated looking woman. He decieded to speak for the group "With all due respect my good lady but are you daft? There is a battle being waged by the Gods themselves in the sky and you are asking how the man came to be injured?" At this point the other on-lookers gave him odd looks and a few even slipped away while he was speaking hoping to bear no further responsiblities.