[IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1512401_1001719059848280_6390605674085726515_n.jpg?oh=5b5f3af2e54fdbf27245851ee32fda45&oe=558033A0&__gda__=1437640233_beea01c68f50c5bd08cb26a8f85a7d4f[/IMG] An instant moment of Taiki greatness to the field. Ria let her pride as a level 5 get in the way. "Burn me alive? You think you can burn me, Absolute Zero? Me a level 5?" Emitting her AIM fields which are cold. A cryokinetic polarity like stasis aura compresses into Ria. Her AIM fields have cooling properties. By freezing the moisture around the air. It is then Ria creates the aura compressed shield into her body. Thermal diffusion occurs as the kinetic energy field is converted as the aura armor. [URL=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/infamous/images/6/60/Foto-0032.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111024221845]Like this but covering her body[/url] She wastes no time by tampering with the air and launches hail and shards. "You should know. This only 10% of my power. My personal reality enables me to create such cryokinetic aura or field. Anything that comes in contact to me. Freezes. Such a shame that I have to hold back."